Operational Risk Sa-Dhan S.Ramesh
Risk categories and their importance for MFI Risk categories Rating CreditLoan portfolio riskXXXXX Interbank riskXX MarketInterest rate riskXXXX Currency risk LiquidityLiquidity riskXXXXX Other riskPerformance riskXXXXX Compliance riskXXXXX Reputation riskXXXX Country risk Operational risk XXXXX
Operational risk is every MFI's greatest fear. Staff Control Failures Compliance Rapid Expansion Legal Multiple Financing Fraud Information Technology Management System Failures Disbursements / Re payments Human Error Premises Business Continuity Credit Risk Market Risk
Circumstances that have been identified and if left unattended may lead to a loss in the future, example : technology Happening or occurrences that are indicative of the underlying risk, they might have resulted in an economic loss, but did not, example : large cash balances; no monetary loss yet Incidents that resulted in a monetary loss Example: Small frauds Operational Risk
Internal and external fraud Failure to comply with laws or meet workplace safety standards Policy breaches Failure to meet regulatory requirements Personnel risks Damage to physical assets Business disruptions Transaction processing failures (execution, errors) Failure of internal controls and corporate governance OR can arise from:
But how do you define, analyze and solve a potential problem before it has even arisen? “ Operational Risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events” People Process Technology Reputation Operating Environment
But how do you define, analyze and solve a potential problem before it has even arisen? Systems Legal External Events Includes legal risk but excludes strategic risk
OR is more than people and technology risk. It encompasses all the hidden dangers that do not come under the umbrella of market or credit risk. People: Positing of Staff in Key Areas Competency of Staff Insufficient training, negligence, integrity, etc. Work Environment Employee Motivation HR initiatives Frequency and impact of staff turnover/rotation Operational risk (OR) – People Risk
Transaction risk: Operational Manual to execute Transaction Frequency of execution of errors in transactions Business volume fluctuation/ concentration Organizational complexity Product complexity, and major changes Operational Control risk Frequency of Violation of operational controls ( exceeding limits, powers) Efficiency of information flows Frequency of operational disruption Operational Control: inadequate segregation of duties lack of management supervision inadequate procedures. Risk due to loose security at operational points ( overnight cash) Operational risk (OR) – Process Risk
Technology: Poor technology and Partial /disconnect computerization Obsolete applications lack of full automation for consolidation and /or accounts and Operations MIS complexity, poor design, development and testing. Systems failure Volume of transaction Vis-a- Vis level of system development and capacity Level of Manual intervention required to process transactions Validity of IT systems IT related frauds Operational risk (OR) – Technology Risk
Reputation risk Customer perception of the Company/MFI Mostly dependent of Field officer Individual is recognized than the institution by the customer Public /Politicians perception of MFIs Operating Environment Unanticipated changes in external environment Multiple lending Macro Economic Factors like loan waiver, low fund flow to MFIs leading to failure to keep up commitments to customers Operational risk (OR) –
Operational Risk - 7 OP Risk types Internal Fraud External Fraud Employment Practices Professional Practices Loss/Damage to assets Business disruption & system failures Transaction processing risk
Change Complacency Complexity Sources Operational Risk Categories People Process Technology Internal External Interconnection of Operational Risks Dependencies Connectivity of Operational Risk Exposure Likely drivers of Operational Risk associated with each Operational Risk Category
Risk types contd… Internal fraud: intended to defraud, misappropriate property, employee theft External fraud: robbery, forgery, Collusion. Employment practices and workplace safety: workers compensation claims, organized labor activities likely Business disruptions and system failures: hw. and sw. failure. Execution, delivery and process management: data entry errors, incomplete legal documentation, unapproved access given to client accounts.
How can we addressing Operational Risk? Transfer the risk to another party (e.g. through insurance) Accept and manage the risk through effective management monitoring and control Put appropriate fall-back plans in place to reduce the impact in case of an operational failure. Least- Avoid the risk by withdrawing from a business activity
OR Management Risk Management systems-adequacy, demarcation of responsibilities, day-to-day supervision Areas- Cash management, internal control & housekeeping, AML controls Robust internal control- Effective internal Inspection/Audit KYC & AML measures-emphasis
ORM Practices should be based on policy duly approved at the board level that describes the processes involved in controlling OR. Clear strategies and oversight by the Board: Board of Directors should approve and review the MFIs ORM framework. Internal Control System: ORM framework is subject to effective internal audit by operationally independent and competent staff. Strong Operational Risk Culture: ORF should be implemented throughout the whole organization, all levels of staff should understand their responsibilities. Contingency Planning: MFIs should have contingency and business continuity plans to operate on an ongoing basis and limit losses. Effective internal reporting: Senior management have responsibility for developing policies, processes and procedures for managing OR.
Risk Monitoring and Control Practices should be implemented. Collection of Operational Risk Data (incident reporting framework) Regular monitoring and feedback mechanism in place for monitoring any deterioration in OR profile. Collation of incident reporting data to assess frequency and probability of occurrence of OR events. Monitoring and control of management of large exposures to states/areas/branches. The modalities to be prescribed in the Loan Policy.
Issues in ORM Qualitative vs Quantitative approach Mapping of existing business lines to the standard business lines Data collection Proper identification of key risk indicators Monitoring of databases Gathering loss data Estimating frequency/severity of loss Quality of data Cost/technology implications Overlap with Credit and Market Risk
Distribution of Operational Losses Magnitude of loss Like- lihood of Loss Expected Loss-Loss Prov. Absorbed Unexpected Loss -Op. Risk Capital Catastrophic Loss -Risk financing using Core Capital
Expected Loss Expected Loss (EL) - likelihood of failure and likely loss severity given that a failure occurs Exposure Indicator (EI) - proxy for the size of a particular business line’s OR exposure Probability of loss Event (PE) - probability of occurrence of loss event Loss Given that event (LGE) - proportion of transaction or exposure that would be expressed as loss, given the default EL = EI X PE X LGE
The integrated operational risk management framework 5.Op risk management Action plans by business and risk management, including business continuity plans and insurance programmes 4. Op risk capital Risk based Operational economic and regulatory capital is attributed to every business 3.Op risk analysis and monitoring and reporting Operational risk limit 1.Op risk identification Assessment of risks !Business activity !Exposure to risk types !Business environment !Control environment 2.Op risk measurement !Internal loss experience !Scenario analysis !Stress Scenarios All businesses All new products All new initiatives
Measurement should not be ignored rather focus should be shifted to internal controls. The internal control measures & measurements given by Pilar II are not close to adequate, regulatory capital would be an incentive for banks to develop own internal measurement techniques. Accurate measurement of OR cannot be the main focus of regulators given the current constraints in data collection and availability, a thought process has been definitely put in place across the banking industry. Conclusion