Intersection of what: Common development challenges ? Or research question ? Or Innovation process ? Or shared interest ? Intersect at what level ? Global.


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Presentation transcript:

Intersection of what: Common development challenges ? Or research question ? Or Innovation process ? Or shared interest ? Intersect at what level ? Global : climate change, adaptation food prices volatility Meso: shared infrastructures, skilled communities Micro : research topic, like food and diet related obesity, development of drought resistant crops…. Defining the intersection between AR and AR4D (from 1rst meeting of the EU Africa HLGE)

Suggested categories of AR / AR4D common research issues: Global issues (climate change) Basic knowledge, including research infrastructures (gene discovery ) Boundary issues (avian flu, plant pests…) Mutual /common issues (rural livelihoods) Methodological issues (multi-scale modeling, excellence versus impact) Institutional issues (PPP, science and society) Defining the intersection between AR and AR4D (from 1rst meeting of the EU Africa HLGE)

Study on how to improve complementarities between EC investments in AR through FP 7/H2020 and in AR4D through FSTP Recommendations raised a number of institutional issues: - have explicit policy goals (H2020 better than FP 7) - competitive calls versus target funding (eligibility criteria, transparency, ex ante evaluation or ex post performance ) - promote dialogue between research communities and synergies between programs (FACCE/ CCAFS) - co-fund a Knowledge hub (=> a global TAP?) Defining the intersection between AR and AR4D (from ARCH commissioned study)