Certificate in Financial Control
Course Deliverables Day 1: Reviewing the Past Day 1: Reviewing the Past – Understand control, financials, and valuation. Day 2: Assessing the Present Day 2: Assessing the Present – Create and generate value, manage intangibles Day 3: Peeping into the future Day 3: Peeping into the future – Create wealth, understand risk, report performance Day 4: Putting it together Day 4: Putting it together – Manage enterprise risk through dashboard
Day I Agenda Day 1: Reviewing the Past Day 1: Reviewing the Past – Control environment analysis – Financial statement analysis – Valuation of the firm Accounting Valuation Accounting Valuation Economic Value Added Economic Value Added Asset Based Valuation Asset Based Valuation
Day 2 Agenda Day 2: Assessing the Present Day 2: Assessing the Present – Value maintenance cycle management Obsolescence Identification Obsolescence Identification Capital Budgeting Capital Budgeting Maintaining Operating Substratum Maintaining Operating Substratum – Value generation cycle management The value KPI The value KPI – Managing intangibles Assets away from your Balance Sheet Assets away from your Balance Sheet
Day 3 Agenda Day 3: Peeping into the future Day 3: Peeping into the future – Corporate risk profiling Liquidity risk Liquidity risk Credit risk Credit risk Value at Risk Value at Risk – Performance measures and IFRS – Wealth creation process
Day 4: Agenda Day 4: Putting it together Day 4: Putting it together – Enterprise risk management Designing the policy Designing the policy ERM Framework ERM Framework – Variance Management – Populating a dashboard
Take Away Knowledge that can be used at your desk Knowledge that can be used at your desk International certification International certification