Prepare students to become 21 st century learners Meet Alaska ELA and technology standards Prepare students for the future Spread the use of technology
› “I want to find creative ways to share information with my students while utilizing the technology that our school provides. I'm hoping to use Glogster to share background information in a creative way other than just a PowerPoint presentation. I think my students might like the "blog" format because it isn't something you typically see within the classroom. As my mentor, I am hoping the Hallie will share new technology programs and websites that she hears about or comes across” (Tabor, 2013).
Benefits of technology: › Active role in education › Higher levels of self-esteem and confidence › Build computer skills › Motivating, engaging & involvement › Differentiation › Preparing students for the future Benefits of multimedia tools: › Better grasp of information › Reaching more students
Alaska ELA Standards › Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, images, music, sound) and visual displays in presentations to clarify information” › “ Interpret information presented in diverse media” › “Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different media” (Department of Education & Early Development, 2012)
Technology Standards › Operate technology-based tools › Understand the effect it has on individuals and society › Use technology: In a responsible manner To locate, select, and manage information To explore ideas, solve problems, and derive meaning of information To express and share ideas (Department of Education & Early Development, 2013)
Cell phones Smart Boards Digital cameras Digital art programs iPads Neos Computers Software Websites (Pashkeev, 2013) Literature Review Technology Tools
Glogster Interactive visual platform Text, audio, video, images, graphics, drawings, and data Benefits for teachers and students: › Motivating, engaging, creative › Assessment › Meets listening, speaking, writing & reading skills › Communication tool › Personal-based on students’ skills ("Web 2.0 teaching tools," 2009)
High School English Teacher English Classes › 6-12 students › Freshman-Senior (Yilmaz, 2012)
Weekly journals Verbal poll Observations Survey (Alencar, 2013) (Patienttalk, 2013)
Step 1 (October 2 nd ): › Meet with teacher to discuss project Step 2 (October 9 th ): › Introduce website: presentation. presentation Step 3 (October 16 th ) : › Show Glogster examples and how to create one Step 4 (October 23): › Create a Glogster together
Step 5 (October 30): › Time to play and explore Glogster Step 6 (November 6 th ) : › Check in with the individual Step 7 (November 13 th ): › Continue to meet weekly Step 8 (November 20 th ): › Wrap up the project Step 9: (November 27 th ): › Analyze the project (feedback, weekly journals, data, etc.)
Positive Comments › Liked the different media sources › Wants to continue using › Better able to understand information › Better able to relate to information Increased motivation Students want to use Glogster Concerns › Troubles saving work › Slow
GREAT experience Rewarding Continual use of Glogster Continue to work together Spread the use of Glogster
Did you enjoy the use of Glogster in the classroom? Why did you like Glogster? When your teacher used Glogster was it easier for you to understand the material that was being presented? Would you like your teacher to continue using Glogster? Would you like to use Glogster for a project?
Student Responses to Survey Verbal Poll Results Yes, I liked when our teacher used Glogster to give us information. It was better than just seeing it on the Smart Board or whiteboard.” “I like how our teacher used different sources, like videos, songs, text, and pictures to give us information.”
Step 6 (November 6 th ): Check in with the individual after a week to see how she is doing. The individual continues to use the Glogster program with ease and confidence. Data was collected to see how many students enjoyed the use of Glogster in the classroom. A poll was taken, with a simple yes or no, teacher-student response. A graph will be included in the final paper to show this. The only concern the teacher has had so far is problems with the website loading and saving the materials she has created. Internet speed could be the issue here.
Alencar, R. (2013, February 11) itsm industry survey. Retrieved from Department of Education & Early Development. (2012, June). Assessment, accountability and student information. Retrieved from Department of Education & Early Development. (2013). Technology. Retrieved from Pashkeev, R. (2013). ipad 3. Retrieved from 3.html 3.html Patienttalk. (2013). Are you planning to have a ‘flu jab this winter. please take our poll!. Retrieved from Tabor, K. (2013, October 2). Interview by H.D Bennett []. Using glogster in the classroom. Web 2.0 teaching tools. (2009). Retrieved from Yilmaz, B. (2012, September 4). [Web log message]. Retrieved from