Colorado State University Library Student Technology Fee Update
Funding library technology upgrades public workstations purchased through disaster recovery funding. Replacement plan: Provide high-end public workstations on a three (CPU’s)/four (monitors) year replacement cycle and add more stations. Increase and replace the number of wireless laptops for student checkout. University Libraries Proposal
The three year plan is designed to maintain 330 state-of-the- art public workstations on a replacement cycle and add additional PC stations. Based on past experience, the heavy use in Morgan Library requires: Three year replacement cycle for CPU stations. Four year replacement cycle for Monitors On average 15,000 individuals per day visit the library to utilize its many resources. Students expect the library to have high end computers for accessing a variety of web based resources and for utilizing a wide range of interactive software. University Libraries Proposal Computer Workstations
Usage Statistics for Fall EIC Public Workstations
Usage Statistics for Spring EIC Public Workstations
Usage Statistics for Summer EIC Public Workstations
The three year plan is designed to maintain the most current technology available to students of circulating wireless laptops. Replace laptops on a three year replacement cycle to maintain functional wireless stations. Increase the number of circulating notebook laptops from 182 (includes 10 presentation kits) to 225. University Libraries Proposal Wireless Laptops
Circulating Laptop Usage Statistics Comparative Data -6% 45% 48% 45% Base Year
Budget Allocated: $278,216 Budget Remaining: $582 University Technology Fee Budget Update
University Technology Fee 2005 – 2006 Budget Approved Budget Allocated: $244,394 Estimated Budget Remaining: $924
University Technology Fee 2006 – 2007 Spring Proposal Replace aging desktops Replace aging laptops Increase the number of Laptops from 182 to 225 Upgrade the wireless network (ACNS Evaluation) Add more power to the building Other requests
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