21/05/'07 upd 06/05/08CmpE 588 Spring 2008 EMU1 Semantic Technology Application Show Cases Atilla ELÇİ Dept. of Computer Engineering Eastern Mediterranean University
21/05/'07 upd 06/05/08CmpE 588 Spring 2008 EMU2 SemTech Applications Show case application of SemTech to Digital Library SemTech’s role in meeting challenges Davies et al. Ch. 11. PS: Take home MT: Review & Qs.
21/05/'07 upd 06/05/08CmpE 588 Spring 2008 EMU3 Current Digital Libraries Samples: ACM Member DL Free libs: Project Gutenberg: e-books of all genres. Project Gutenberg Open Library by the Internet Archive: to showcase how and provide free. Open Library Wikipedia You Tube? Etc. Free digital library software: Greenstone DL with UNESCO’s support Greenstone DL OpenDLib Search engine as DL: Google ScholarGoogle Scholar Wiki as DL: Wikibooks: Wikimedia Project free textbook project.Wikibooks
Free Digital Libraries Directory? Let’s put together a list of digital libraries offering free e-material. Organize the list using semantic technology. Build i/f for human reader and software agents. 21/05/'07 upd 06/05/08CmpE 588 Spring 2008 EMU4
21/05/'07 upd 06/05/08CmpE 588 Spring 2008 EMU5 DL Challenges Key research areas by Digital Libraries Workshop (1995): Interoperability: Software and systems Semantic: mapping ontologies Description of objects and repositories Collection and management of non-textual information User interfaces Economic, social and legal issues. SemTech contribution to above: Where and How? Newer research findings?
21/05/'07 upd 06/05/08CmpE 588 Spring 2008 EMU6 DL Research Specific purpose projects: Alexandria Digital Earth Project: geospatial data Alexandria Digital Earth Project PERSIVAL: medical data PERSIVAL VARIATIONS: music VARIATIONS EULER: math. EULER Generic research projects: Perseus DL Project: humanities source material. Perseus DL Project Renardus Service of 5th FP IST Project: integrated search & browse access to records through gateway services. Renardus Service Scuplteur: semantic & content-based multimedia mngt: Scuplteur There is an ontology to describe the objects Crawler searches web for more 6th FP DELOS: “the next generation of DL technologies”DELOS 6th FP BRICKS: upto “open, user- and service-oriented infrastructure for sharing knowledge & resources”.BRICKS
DELOS Aimed for th ‘Next generation of DL tech.’ Architecture has seven clusters: Knowledge extraction and semantic interoperability Info access and personalization User interface and personalization... 21/05/'07 upd 06/05/08CmpE 588 Spring 2008 EMU7
21/05/'07 upd 06/05/08CmpE 588 Spring 2008 EMU8 A Case Study: The BT DL (Sect. 11.3) Enhancing the Library w/SemTech (SEKT Project): Richer Metadata: ABI/INFORM from ProQuest: 8 K terms vocabulary ABI/INFORM IEEE INSPEC: 9 K terms IEEE INSPEC Enhanced User Profiling: Personalization In-fulltext search and annotation Enhancing: searching, browsing, displaying results, connecting people/ideas
21/05/'07 upd 06/05/08CmpE 588 Spring 2008 EMU9 The User’s View Sect. 11.4
SemTech to DL’s Rescue: (Sect. 11.5) BT DL Run-Time Architecture: 5-Layer Architecture: Persistence Layer Semantic Layer: PROTo Ontology ProtonProton Dublin Core OWL Integration Layer: Building appls using components of SEKT Integration Platform (SIP) End-User Appls Layer: Appls built using SIP, such as the following Semantic search & browse Knowledge sharing Personal search agent Semantic info spaces (search-based carry over from original BT DL) Presentation Layer 21/05/'07 upd 06/05/08CmpE 588 Spring 2008 EMU10
21/05/'07 upd 06/05/08CmpE 588 Spring 2008 EMU11 SemTech to DL’s Rescue: (Sect. 11.5)
SemTech-Based DL: Future Trends Open source Open content Publically collaborated development and upkeep Rich metadata Ontology-based Personalized Distributed, localized Push or pull? Imploys SemTech tools: Ontology evolution, Content gathering Search Presentation... Your call? 21/05/'07 upd 06/05/08CmpE 588 Spring 2008 EMU12
21/05/'07 upd 06/05/08CmpE 588 Spring 2008 EMU13 References John Davies, Rudi Studer, Paul Warren (Editors): Semantic Web Technologies: Trends and Research in Ontology-based Systems, John Wiley & Sons (July 11, 2006). ISBN: Ch. 11.: pp W3C Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group home page.Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group W3C SW Applications & Demos Task Force.Applications & Demos Task Force. SemanticWebDOAPBulletinBoard SemanticWebDOAPBulletinBoard W3C Semantic Web Tools Wiki page:Semantic Web Tools Check Jena, SemWeb, Protégé, Swoop, etc.