The Main Differences Between the British and the Chinese Higher Education --May
The main differences between the British and the Chinese higher education Expectations of University Teacher-student Relation Graduation Award
Expectations of University What does the word university mean to you? Chinese students: A way to success A must to a decent work A university diploma A bright future British students: Life A place to train mind
Teacher-student Relation China: Friendly, amiable Britain: Contractual, legal, clear-cut
Graduation Award - the Grand Finale Arrival Times Lincoln graduates All students graduating at 11.30am MUST arrive between 8.00am and 10.30am All students graduating at 7.30pm MUST arrive between 3.00pm and 6.30pm On arrival please go to the Lawn Centre. Within these arrival times you will be able to collect your robe and have your photographs taken. Evening graduates must ensure that they have their photographs taken BEFORE the ceremony, as this service will not be available afterwards due to the late finishing ceremony time. Morning graduates arriving after 10.00am and afternoon graduates (Hull only) arriving after 1.00pm are all advised to have their photography taken after their ceremony to ensure that they leave themselves adequate time to be robed and to make their way to the ceremony venue.
During the Ceremony Arriving graduates will be shown to their seats by university marshals. Accompanying guests will be directed to allocated seating, separate from graduates. Once you are in your seats you are requested not to leave them. Please note that due to fire regulations guests without a ticket will not be able to be admitted. Due to health and safety regulations beyond the university’s control, very young children and babies are not permitted entry. Guests are requested not to take flash photography or obtrusive videoing. It is also asked that all mobile phones be turned off during the ceremony.
During the Ceremony A programme booklet will explain the order of proceedings on the day. This will be found on your seats at the ceremony venue, along with a graduation survey that should be completed by graduates and their guests and returned to the Events Office after the event. The Graduates Marshall will start the ceremony and will also ask the audience to stand as the procession party enters. Once everyone in the party is seated a series of formal introductions and speeches will be delivered by the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor. There will also be a conferment of an honorary award on a selected high profile individual and a speech from the honorary graduate. After the formal introductions the presentation of awards will follow. Marshals will assist graduates from their seats to the stage. Graduates will have their name read out as they walk across the stage. As you walk across you will doff your cap to the Chancellor, shake the Vice Chancellor’s hand and proceed to the other side of the stage, where you will collect your certificate. If for some reason your certificate is not available, Academic Registry will forward it to your home address as soon as possible after the event. You will then be ushered back to your original seat.
After the Ceremony The morning ceremony will end at approximately 1.00pm The afternoon ceremony will end at approximately 4.00pm. The evening ceremony will end at approximately 9.00pm Once all the awards have been acknowledged the audience will be asked to stand as the procession party leaves in reverse order. Everyone is asked to remain standing until the procession has left the building. Graduates will then be processed out by marshals. Guests will then be able to leave the building and meet up with graduates outside the building. Guests and graduates are free to make their own arrangements once the ceremony has finished.
Reference: Thanks to: professor Tan Zhi Professor Ouyang Huhua Jerry Moon Ada
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