Commissioning & Contracting What will be needed in the brave new world of SDS? Our thinking so far …
Will we need any contracts? Q - Is it public money or private money and do procurement rules apply? A – If an individual wants us to contract on their behalf, then money remains public money and procurement rules do apply
What does the Bill say? Four options for people to choose from: 1.Direct payment – money becomes private, people enter into their own contracts 3.Council selects and commissions services on behalf of the individual – status quo 4.A combination of any of the other 3 options
Option 2 The individual selects the support they want and the local authority makes various administrative arrangements on the individual’s behalf ie – they choose and direct their own support but don’t want to manage the money
Terminology Individual Budget (IB) – the total amount identified as being required to meet all agreed outcomes Individual Service Fund (ISF) – the part of the IB to be paid to Provider(s) to meet some or all of the agreed outcomes
The ISF Contract Some of the ISF might be for provision of services Some might be sub-contracting for services from other providers Some might be used to purchase goods (eg train tickets or subscriptions)
What would the contract look like? Designed to give choice and control to individuals Protect interests of individuals and incorporate duties and liabilities of the Council National work done on a model ISF contract – we could adapt it for local use (pinch the best bits!)
What would be in? Contract between the Council and the Provider Council would make payment to the Provider Use of the ISF would be directed by the individual to whom the ISF awarded … but would have to meet agreed outcomes
What else would be in? Provision of a wide range of services and / or Sub-contracting for services that Providers do not provide themselves and / or Purchasing of any goods required
What would be out? The role of the commissioning team would be to facilitate rather than control We would not prescribe the services to be provided We would not control the prices
How could it be achieved? Tender for a Framework Agreement or ‘Approved Provider List’ Pass or fail criteria to select providers willing and able to manage ISFs Open ended framework?
Issues and Risks Providers – unknown demand Council – balance between protecting individuals and maintaining the ethos of SDS Next Steps: Thoughts and suggestions from Providers Consult with other Councils Draft documents