Where’s the carbon? Transport carbon big hitters and what can be done about them Alistair Kirkbride Sustainable Transport Advisor
What are transport carbon emitters? Where to target effort – and where not? What works – and what doesn’t? Members, colleagues & the public. Selling low carbon transport
Where’s the carbon?
Primary data DECC/DEFRA emissions factors (2009) National Travel Survey - Cumbria sub-set TSGB (goods & freight) (2008) Traffic counts (2008) Visitor surveys (Cumbria Tourism/ Visit Britain 2009/06) Other local travel plan surveys local visitor surveys Robustness?
Where’s the carbon?
CO2 emissions by journey purpose (residents)
Visitor to/from Lake District g CO 2 / passenger km Plane200 Bus / coach69 Car / van / motorbike62 Coach tour31 Train18 Travel around the Lake District g CO 2 / passenger km Car (resident)128 Bus 112 or 69 Car / van (visitor)62 Coach tour31 (Train18) Walk / cycle0
Target tourism promotion for the Lake District to specific origin areas; de-market to others? Target modes for different origins Develop direct links to the Lake District Promote existing – and develop other – ticket deals to the Lake District Revoke institutional support for the development of Carlisle Airport Targetting?
What works?
“What Makes you Move” Cumbria visitors 2006 / Selling low carbon transport
Community hubs Widespread implementation of travel plans Speed reduction on trunk roads Public parking charges Workplace parking levy Bus quality contracts EV cars & networks Cycle infrastaructure Urban density National car club network Freight best practice
Selling low carbon transport