The Key Terms for page 173 Peninsula – how did the shape of the land affect the way Greece developed? Peninsula – how did the shape of the land affect the way Greece developed? Acropolis (acro = high, polis =city) –why do people build their important buildings on top of hills? Acropolis (acro = high, polis =city) –why do people build their important buildings on top of hills?
The other key terms Aristocrat – means “rule of the best” Aristocrat – means “rule of the best” Tyrant – having the support of middle class traders and merchants along with lower class working people will end up leading to…. Tyrant – having the support of middle class traders and merchants along with lower class working people will end up leading to…. Democracy! Invented in Greece! 500s – 400s…B.C.! Democracy! Invented in Greece! 500s – 400s…B.C.!
1 (a)Geographic setting and major landforms of Greece. The mountains isolated communities from one another and made each separate community need to be self-sufficient and independent. This caused the different city-states to come into being. The mountains isolated communities from one another and made each separate community need to be self-sufficient and independent. This caused the different city-states to come into being.
Also, Greece is in an excellent location in the Mediterranean Sea and is made up of peninsulas and rocky islands.
1 (b) How did the geography effect Greek communities? The mountains, peninsulas, and islands cut off and isolated one city from another. The mountains, peninsulas, and islands cut off and isolated one city from another. Each city-state developed independently. Each city-state developed independently.
2. (a) Describe two early Greek civilizations. Minoans were on the island of Crete Minoans were on the island of Crete They were great traders. They were great traders. They had a writing system. They had a writing system. Their main city was Knossos. Their main city was Knossos. The Mycenaeans lived on the mainland. The Mycenaeans lived on the mainland. They also had a writing system. They also had a writing system. They were also great traders. They were also great traders. After the Minoans declined, they became stronger. After the Minoans declined, they became stronger.
2 (b). Why were poems and myths important to the ancient Greeks? These writings taught about the Greek gods and goddesses. These writings taught about the Greek gods and goddesses. They told about the great heroes and how they behaved. They told about the great heroes and how they behaved. They unified the culture by being passed down orally or in writing over the generations. They unified the culture by being passed down orally or in writing over the generations.
Two epic poems about the Trojan War: The Iliad and The Odyssey
Troy – ruins of ancient city
How did people remember their history during the Dark Ages? 1100s – 750 B.C. Poverty was everywhere Poverty was everywhere Trade for food and goods no longer took place Trade for food and goods no longer took place People moved away from Greece People moved away from Greece Writing disappeared Writing disappeared Through the telling of myths, Greek traditions were preserved – oral traditions! Through the telling of myths, Greek traditions were preserved – oral traditions! People later began building villages on an acropolis & gradually the dark ages ended People later began building villages on an acropolis & gradually the dark ages ended
Solon – paved the way to democracy by reforming the laws, he allowed the people to debate laws
3 (a).What were the 3 kinds of governments in Greek city-states? After the Dark Ages, aristocrats controlled most of the good land and used wealth to rule the city-states. After the Dark Ages, aristocrats controlled most of the good land and used wealth to rule the city-states. In time, aristocracies were overthrown by tyrants who governed the city-states; usually the middle classes supported these tyrants. In time, aristocracies were overthrown by tyrants who governed the city-states; usually the middle classes supported these tyrants. Lastly, the people of many city-states overthrew the harsh tyrants and formed self-governing democracies. Lastly, the people of many city-states overthrew the harsh tyrants and formed self-governing democracies.
3 (b) How did the rise of the middle class help government become more democratic? Merchants and artisans formed a wealthy middle class. Merchants and artisans formed a wealthy middle class. They wanted to have a say in who became their leader. Only male citizens could vote. They wanted to have a say in who became their leader. Only male citizens could vote. Only one in five people were citizens Only one in five people were citizens
Political shift Lost power Military leaders Gained power Merchants and artisans
Homer – the poet
Not the cartoon!