Hyperelliptic Curve Coprocessors On a FPGA HoWon Kim ETRI, Korea
Ho Won Kim 2 Contents Introduction Design Philosophy for Fast HEC coprocessors Parallelism Pipelining Loop unfolding on inversion operation Design Methodology Arithmetic Unit HECC coprocessor Architecture Various HECC types : from high performance to low area Performance Results Conclusions
Ho Won Kim 3 Introduction (1/4)
Ho Won Kim 4 Introduction (2/4) Group Cardinality HEC of genus g over F q The cardinality of J C (F q ) is given by Hasse-Weil: Major implication : group size (field size) g Don ’ t choose genus ≥ 4 (5) because of possible attacks [Frey/Rück, Gaudry, Theriault, …] Group size vs. Field size Group size of (commercial security level) ECC (g=1): field size = 160 bit HECC (g=2): field size = 80 bit HECC (g=3): field size = 56 bit HECC (g=4): field size = 52 bit
Ho Won Kim 5 Introduction (3/4) Explicit Formulae of HECC t1 = a*e; t2 = b*d; t3 = b*f; t4 = c*e; t5 = a*f; t6 = c*d; t7 = sqr(c+f); t8 = sqr(b+e); t9 = (a+d)*(t3+t4); t10= (a+d)*(t5+t6); r =(f+c+t1+t2)*(t7+t9) + t10*(t5+t6) + t8*(t3+t4); t11 = (b+e)*(c+f); inv2 = (t1+t2+c+f)*(a+d)+t8; inv1 = inv2*d + t10 + t11; inv0 = inv2*e + d*(t10+t11) + t9 + t7; t12 = (inv1+inv2)*(k+n+l+o); t13 = (l+o)*inv1; t14 = (inv0+inv2)*(k+n+m+p); t15 = (m+p)*inv0; t16 = (inv0+inv1)*(l+o+m+p); t17 = (k+n)*inv2; rs0 = t15; rs1 = t13+t15+t16; rs2 = t13+t14+t15+t17; rs3 = t12+t13+t17; rs4 = t17; t18 = rs3+rs4*d; s0s = rs0 + f*t18; s1s = rs1 + rs4*f + e*t18; s2s = rs2 + rs4*e + d*t18; w1 = inv(r*s2s); w2 = r*w1; w3 = w1*sqr(s2s); w4 = r*w2; w5 = sqr(w4); Input:D 1 = div(a 1,b 1 ), D 2 = div(a 2,b 2 ) Output:D 3 = D 1 + D 2 = div(a 3,b 3 ) Composition:d = gcd(a 1,a 2,b 1 +b 2 +h)=s 1 a 1 +s 2 a 2 +s 3 (b 1 +b 2 +h) a‘ 3 = a 1 a 2 /d b‘ 3 = [s 1 a 1 b 2 +s 2 a 2 b 1 +s 3 (b 1 b 2 +f)]/f mod a‘ 3 Reduction:WHILE deg(a‘ k ) > g, DO a‘ k = f – b‘ k-1 mod a‘ k b‘ k = (-h-b‘ k-1 ) mod a‘ k END WHILE a 3 = a‘ k b 3 = b‘ k s0 = w2*s0s; s1 = w2*s1s; s2 = w2*s2s; z0 = s0*c; z1 = s1*c+s0*b; z2 = s0*a+s1*b+c; z3 = s1*a+s0+b; z4 = a+s1; z5 = to_GF2E(1L); t1 = w4*h2; t2 = w4*h3; u3s = d + z4 + s1; u2s = d*u3s + e + z3 + s0 + t2 + s1*z4; u1s = d*u2s + e*u3s + f + z2 + t1 + s1*(z3+t2) + s0*z4 + w5; u0s = d*u1s + e*u2s + f*u3s + z1 + w4*h1 + s1*(z2+t1) + s0*(z3+t2) + w5*(a+f6); t1 = u3s+z4; v0s = w3*(u0s*t1 + z0) + h0 + m; v1s = w3*(u1s*t1 + u0s + z1) + h1 + l; v2s = w3*(u2s*t1 + u1s + z2) + h2 + k; v3s = w3*(u3s*t1 + u2s + z3) + h3; a3 = f6 + u3s + v3s*(v3s+h3); b3 = u2s + a3*u3s + f5 + v3s*h2 + v2s*h3; c3 = u1s + a3*u2s + b3*u3s + f4 + v2s*(v2s+h2) + v3s*h1 + v1s*h3; k3 = v2s + (v3s+h3)*a3 + h2; l3 = v1s + (v3s+h3)*b3 + h1; m3 = v0s + (v3s+h3)*c3 + h0; Explicit formulae (field arithmetic only): Polynomial arithmetic: Explicit formulae : ITCC04 [PWP04] Group doubling: 1inv, 9 mults Group Addition: 1 inv, 21 mults Harley’s explicit method
Ho Won Kim 6 Introduction (4/4) Pros & Cons of the HECC Pros Short field size : for genus 2 HECC, the size of the underlying field size is a half of that of ECC –So, It has room to adopt high speed implementation techniques such as parallelism and loop unfolding Cons There are many multiplication stages in Explicit formulae –So, when HECC is implemented as a hardware, its interconnect network and buffer allocation will be complicated Purpose of this work To check its applicability as a high performance public key crypto system To check its applicability at the resource constrained environment such as PDA & Smart Cards from practical point of view
Ho Won Kim 7 Design Philosophy (1/2) To make HECC coprocessor faster, we have used the following techniques: Parallelism Multiple number of field operation units to execute the explicit formulae as fast as possible The number of multipliers is decided by drawing data dependency graph (DDG) for explicit formulae –For genus-2 HECC explicit formulae, we can see two multipliers are good choice for implementation –The usage rate of two multipliers is about 90 % group addition operation in affine coord.
Ho Won Kim 8 Design Philosophy (2/2) Pipelining Field operations(field addition, field squaring) and data copy operation between buffers are performed at the same clock cycle And can be overlapped with multiplication and inversion Loop Unfolding “ Loop unfolding ” is the process of unfolding a loop so that several iterations(clock cycles) are unrolled into the same iteration(one clock cycle) Is applied to the MAIA inversion algorithm to boost the performance with reasonable hardware increases
Ho Won Kim 9 Fast Inversion Block (1/2) Maximally 4 loops are executed in one clock cycle MAIA algorithm with 4 loops are unfolded Can be realized by simple XOR, rewiring
Ho Won Kim 10 Fast Inversion Block (2/2) Types Unfolding level # of Slices Frequency (MHz) Clock Cycles TTC ( ) MAIA with loop unfolding 1 (original alg.) Four loops are unfolded We get two times better performance !! Features of the Inversion Block of the HECC coprocessors
Ho Won Kim 11 Design Methodology Architecture design VHDL coding synthesis & implementation to FPGA Main Points toward high performance HECC coprocessor Design Make the H/W complexity of the Interconnect Network as small as possible Is done by carefully designed arithmetic units and data path, etc. Make the number of registers as small as possible Is done by careful buffer allocation Make efficient AUs By using parallelism, pipelining, loop unfolding techniques, etc.
Ho Won Kim 12 Arithmetic Unit AU (Arithmetic Unit) Field addition : simple XOR (done on the data-path) Field squaring : XOR and rewiring (done on the data-path) Field multiplication : scalable, high performance multiplication logic is implemented (digit serial multiplier) Field inversion : high performance inversion logic is implemented (modified almost inverse algorithm with a loop unfolding technique) AU Block Diagram
Ho Won Kim 13 HEC Architecture (1/3) Various HECC Coprocessor Types from High Performance to Moderate Size Type 1 : for high performance Parallel execution of the group addition & doubling 2 multipliers & 1 inversion logic for group addition 1 multiplier & 1 inversion logic for group doubling (Affine case) Fast execution of the addition & doubling is possible. but, it causes high hardware complexity
Ho Won Kim 14 HEC Architecture (2/3) Type 2 Use only registers for RF and multiplexers as an interconnect network Parallel execution of data read & write is possible. but, it causes high complexity at the interconnect network Multipliers and inversion logic are shared for group ops. Technology independent design as Type 1 (portable to any FPGA and ASIC) Type 3 : low hardware complexity Uses memory to reduce hardware complexity Uses buses to reduce the complexity of interconnect network Incurs more latencies to perform explicit formulae, but, reduces hardware complexity
Ho Won Kim 15 HEC Architecture (3/3) TypesLogic Interconnect Network Scalar mult Method Storage For RF Affine Coord Type 1 Addition:2 MUL,1INV Mux Right to Left (parallel binary) 13 REGs Doubling:1MUL,1INV10 REGs Type 2 2MUL,1 INV(shared)MuxLeft to Right (binary)14 REGs Type 3 2MUL,1 INV(shared)Mux, BusLeft to Right (binary) Memory (14 entries) Architectural characteristics of HECC coprocessors
Ho Won Kim 16 Performance Results (1/2) Types Coord. Type Scalar Mult. Key size # Slices Freq. (MHz) TTC (ms) Area X Time Cla03 Projective Parallel Bin D=1 D=4 166 Bits 22, , Elias GF(2 113 ) Projective NAF,D=1 NAF,D=4 226 bits 21, , Type 1, GF(2 89 ) Affine Parallel Bin, Binary, Binary 178 bits 9, Type 2, GF(2 89 ) 7, Type 3, GF(2 89 ) 4, Type 1,GF(2 113 ) Affine Parallel Bin, Binary, Binary 226 Bits 11, Type 2,GF(2 113 ) 8, Type 3,GF(2 113 ) 6, ECC Orlando et al. 167bits1, Gura et al163bits11, Performance of the HECC coprocessors (scalar mult.) Target platform : Xilinx FPGA XC2V
Ho Won Kim 17 Performance Results (2/2) Performance of the HECC coprocessors (scalar mult.) Xilinx Virtex II FPGA (XC2V4000ff1517-6) Normalized to the best AT product Performance (TTC) Area-Time Product
Ho Won Kim 18 Conclusions The high performance of the HECC coprocessor is due to fast inversion algorithm High operating frequency of multiplier in spite of its large digit size (D=32) Reduced interconnect network latency by using carefully designed buffer allocation and Arithmetic Units Parallel execution of field operations Pipelined execution of the field operations and data movement between register files We can say that HECC coprocessor can be used at high performance & resource constrained security environments Since the performance is about ms with moderate H/W size (Type 1, GF(2 89 )) However, more research works are still necessary to surpass the ECC