Quick starter: whose job is it? Using the worksheet, match the person to the job!
Quick starter: the answers Ann Makosinski, inventor of heat operated torch, USA Carlos Acosta , ballet dancer with English National Ballet Dancer Builder Mathematician Nurse Inventor 2 5 Philipa Tuttiett, builder and owner of building company in South Wales 3 4 1 Philip Wells, school nurse and nursing practice teacher, Somerset, UK Maryam Mirzakhani, mathematics professor at Stanford University, USA
Learning objective: Today I will learn to: Read and evaluate different sources. Develop critical thinking, research and communication skills.
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Learning objective: Lesson aims: Today I will learn to: Read and evaluate different sources. Develop critical thinking, research and communication skills. Lesson aims: Today you will: Explore different views, opinions and research about how the way children play might affect their life choices and opportunities. Conduct your own research. Produce a detailed report on the issue of gender equality for your MP.
Reading and evaluating information from different sources Read the source material on the A4 sheet. Discuss with your partner: Do you agree or disagree with the opinions? What do you notice about the findings shown in the bar chart? How do you feel about the evidence on the source sheet?
Groupwork: Report In your group, you are going to produce a report into gendered toys and equal opportunities. Decide who in your group will take on the following roles: Researcher Organiser Writer Presenter You will all support one another with each of the tasks, but someone should have overall responsibility for each one. Your report could be a PowerPoint presentation, or a formal written report.
Report: Toys, Gender and Equal Opportunities Audience: Your local MP Form: PowerPoint presentation, or a formal written report. Suggested method: You need to… Research the topic further using the Internet Discuss your opinions and ideas with your group Present your findings in the form of a report Your report should include different points of view, but end with your overall conclusions. Presentation is important, so think about layout, colour, fonts, images etc.