By: Matthew Burton
Digestive System- it allows you to get ride of waste in the body. You can get many diseases and illnesses in your digestive track or anywhere in your digestive system. The disease I'm going to talk about is Stricture.
What is Stricture- the narrowing of the Esophagus by scaring or Cancer.
Symptoms includes difficult and discomfort when swallowing, the feeling that food is stuck in your throat
Is it curable- no it is not curable but there are ways to hold your esophagus open more so your body can get rid of that access tissue.
Causes include Gastroesophageal reflux disease, toxic or caustic chemicals, side affects or complications with medications, side affects with sclerotheropy treatment, chronic or sever infections, scars from previous surgeries, Esophageal cancer.
Treatment includes Bougie, Pneumatic dilator, Guided wire dilator