2 وحدة ضمان الجودة في سطور د / مها عبد العزيز منسق وحدة الجودة - كلية العلوم الطبية.


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Presentation transcript:

2 وحدة ضمان الجودة في سطور د / مها عبد العزيز منسق وحدة الجودة - كلية العلوم الطبية

تنفيذ ومتابعة ما طلب من وحدة ضمان الجودة من قبل ادارة ضمان الجودة والتطوير في الجامعة : تنفيذ ومتابعة ما طلب من وحدة ضمان الجودة من قبل ادارة ضمان الجودة والتطوير في الجامعة : o تقييم اعضاء هيئة التدريس للفصل الدراسي الاول لكلية العلوم الطبية ( طب بشري - طب اسنان - صيدلة ) o تقييم اعضاء هيئة التدريس للفصل الدراسي الثاني - طب بشري. o توزيع الاستمارات المتعلقة بالخدمة الجامعية والمكتبية للطلاب ومن ثم جمعها والإشراف على إدخالها وإرسالها لوحدة ضمان الجودة لتحليلها o تعبئةاستبانه اتحاد الجامعات العربية وارسالها لادارة ضمان الجودة. o تقديم مقترحات بشان المقاييس الاكاديمية المختلفة o متابعة ثأثيت مكتب وحدة ضمان الجودة في الكلية 3

إتمام تقييم القيادات من قبل المرؤوسين وتشمل ( تقييم عميد الكلية – تقييم النواب. إتمام تقييم القيادات من قبل المرؤوسين وتشمل ( تقييم عميد الكلية – تقييم النواب. إتمام تقييم أعضاء هيئة التدريس من قبل النواب إتمام تقييم أعضاء هيئة التدريس من قبل النواب مراجعة وثيقة برنامج الطب البشري مراجعة وثيقة برنامج الطب البشري المشاركة في لجنة النزول الميداني لتقييم الاقسام العلمية. المشاركة في لجنة النزول الميداني لتقييم الاقسام العلمية. المشاركة في دورتي التقييم الذاتي وتقييم البرامج الاكاديمية. المشاركة في دورتي التقييم الذاتي وتقييم البرامج الاكاديمية. البدء فعليا بإعادة توثيق ودراسة العمليات والإجراءات في الكلية من خلال سكرتارية الوحدة مع منسقي الجودة. البدء فعليا بإعادة توثيق ودراسة العمليات والإجراءات في الكلية من خلال سكرتارية الوحدة مع منسقي الجودة. 4

المطلوب انجازه الجودة والاعتماد التوثيق :   إنشاء قاعدة بيانات عن المدخلات والعمليات والمخرجات في الأقسام المختلفة.   الارشفة اللالكترونية لكافة متعلقات الوحدة.   اعداد غرفة الادلة.   إعداد اللائحة الداخلية للوحدة والعمل علي اعتمادها

التقويم تحسين أداء الأقسام وأعضاء هيئة التدريس والخدمات الأخرى بالكلية من خلال تقيم خطة عضو هيئة التدريس, تقييم جودة الخدمة الجامعية, تقييم جودة الخدمة المكتبية, تقيم أعضاء هيئة التدريس ومساعديهم, تقييم الأقسام العلمية, تقييم الكلية وتقييم تنفيذ خطط الأقسام

الاعتماد الاكاديمي : استكمال متطلبات الجودة للبرامج الاكاديمية في القسم والوصول بها الى مرحلة الاعتماد الداخلي والخارجي.

الانشطة : نشر ثقافة الجودة وعقد الندوات وورش العمل للسادة أعضاء هيئة التدريس ومعاونيهم لتناول المواضيع التالية : التعريف بالمعايير الأكاديمية التعريف بمعايير الاعتماد ومشروع التطوير المستمر والتأهيل للاعتماد رسالة ورؤية والأهداف والخطة الإستراتيجية للقسم و للكلية رسالة ورؤية وأهداف وخطة وحدة ضمان الجودة إعداد توصيف وتقارير المقررات والبرامج لمرحلة البكالوريوس التعريف بكيفية إعداد ملف متكامل للمقرر واستخدام الاستبيانات وسائل تقييم الطلاب و الإرشاد الأكاديمي التعامل مع ومتابعة الطلاب المتميزين والمتعثرين

9 Quality is not achieved by doing different things BUT Quality is not achieved by doing different things BUT it is achieved by doing things differently

10 The scope of this project Is the educational quality. It helps to realize institutional mission more effectively, and responds to expectations of accrediting organizations, community needs, and other external stakeholders for accountability in the teaching/learning processes. The scope of this project Is the educational quality. It helps to realize institutional mission more effectively, and responds to expectations of accrediting organizations, community needs, and other external stakeholders for accountability in the teaching/learning processes. لجنة المناهج

11 This project also gives renewed emphasis to educational quality, initiated several years ago with widespread faculty and staff involvement, to define competencies and implement assessment of learning outcomes for all College Degree Programs and General Education Departments. This project also gives renewed emphasis to educational quality, initiated several years ago with widespread faculty and staff involvement, to define competencies and implement assessment of learning outcomes for all College Degree Programs and General Education Departments. Scope of the Project

12 Objectives: 1. Raise awareness of all beneficiaries regarding the importance and significance of developing academic reference. 2. Design data base of different types of standards; national and international 3. Develop the reference standards based on the data base created

13 Objective cont. 4. Disseminate the endorsed standards to all interest parties (students, graduates, stakeholders, physicians, and nurses in health care organization, professional organization and community ……… etc) 5. Implement the developed reference standards. 6. Measurer the efficacy of the develop standard.

14 Contents: This project addresses a widely perceived need for improvement where dual objectives could be achieved : This project addresses a widely perceived need for improvement where dual objectives could be achieved : Setting standards.Setting standards. implementing those standards to ensure quality. implementing those standards to ensure quality. Project implementation followed a carefully crafted, highly detailed project management implementation plan. Project implementation followed a carefully crafted, highly detailed project management implementation plan. The necessary resources was allocated for this plan by the project management team. The necessary resources was allocated for this plan by the project management team. Achievements reports was delivered and periodic progress was continuously communicated to the entire institutions. Achievements reports was delivered and periodic progress was continuously communicated to the entire institutions.

15 was tracking two channels; investigation and developmental Investigation was done through data collection for the national and international standards to create data base of the educational nursing standards. Investigation was done through data collection for the national and international standards to create data base of the educational nursing standards. Developmental stages was concerned with the designing and validating the intended standards and tools to follow up its application. Developmental stages was concerned with the designing and validating the intended standards and tools to follow up its application.Methodology

16Beneficiaries: Teaching staff Teaching staff Students and graduates Students and graduates stakeholders stakeholders physicians and nurses in health care organizations, physicians and nurses in health care organizations, professional organization and community. professional organization and community.

17 Dissemination: Dissemination for the project deliverables was achieved through different activities such as seminars, and workshops. Seminars was conducted in the different nursing faculties. Dissemination for the project deliverables was achieved through different activities such as seminars, and workshops. Seminars was conducted in the different nursing faculties. Audients for this seminars was recruited from within and outside the nursing field. Audients for this seminars was recruited from within and outside the nursing field. Emphasis was done on the stakeholders to gain their opinions regarding the intended standards as they are the customers for the faculty graduates besides they are considered a stratum from the community. Emphasis was done on the stakeholders to gain their opinions regarding the intended standards as they are the customers for the faculty graduates besides they are considered a stratum from the community.

18 Dissemination Cont. Another means for dissemination is the non-projected media such as posters, bulletin boards, leaflets, and pamphlets. Another means for dissemination is the non-projected media such as posters, bulletin boards, leaflets, and pamphlets. The aim of this wide dissemination was to ensure that the project deliverables have been widely spread, and to acknowledge a wide range of customers. The aim of this wide dissemination was to ensure that the project deliverables have been widely spread, and to acknowledge a wide range of customers. Arab region would be targeted in the strategies to disseminate the developed reference standards. Arab region would be targeted in the strategies to disseminate the developed reference standards.

19 Quality control & monitoring Quality control & monitoring for the present project stages was fulfilled through different activities:- Quality control & monitoring for the present project stages was fulfilled through different activities:- Supervision for the program activities was done by the project management team through: Action plan for the project implementation.Action plan for the project implementation. Schedule for the project implementation. Schedule for the project implementation. Control the flow of work through the project implementation.Control the flow of work through the project implementation. Reviewing by the project teamReviewing by the project team Validity and reliability. Using different experts recruited either internally from within the nursing field (peer reviewer) or out side the nursing field (medical field)Validity and reliability. Using different experts recruited either internally from within the nursing field (peer reviewer) or out side the nursing field (medical field) AuditingAuditing Evaluation ( ongoing in all project stages)Evaluation ( ongoing in all project stages)

20 Steps of Implementation

21 Symposium to raise awareness for the faculty and the stakeholders. Symposium to raise awareness for the faculty and the stakeholders. Workshop to brain storm for the faculty and the stakeholders Workshop to brain storm for the faculty and the stakeholders Prepare Baseline data including national and international standards Prepare Baseline data including national and international standards

22 Draft of the academic reference standards (ARS) has been developed Draft of the academic reference standards (ARS) has been developed Ascertain validity and reliability Ascertain validity and reliability Print out of the validated standards ready for application Print out of the validated standards ready for application Train all beneficiaries (faculty staff members) in different faculties on the development of ARS and its uses. Train all beneficiaries (faculty staff members) in different faculties on the development of ARS and its uses.

23 Seminars to propagate and apply the proposed standards in the different nursing faculties Seminars to propagate and apply the proposed standards in the different nursing faculties Auditing tools to follow up the standards implementation Auditing tools to follow up the standards implementation Report of the follow up and final report (ongoing) Report of the follow up and final report (ongoing)

24 Out put/ out come

25 1- Attributes of the typical nursing graduate were developed and agreed upon by NSC. 2- Role of graduate nurses were identified and agreed upon NSC.

26 Identify Role of the Nurse Professional development Planner & Coordinator Health Care Provider LeaderResearch Participant CommunicatorAdvocacy Health Educator Collaborator

27 3- Areas of academic reference standards were identified and agreed upon by NSC

28 4- Distribution of responsibilities to the different faculties for developing ARS. Faculties groupsDomains Cairo University- Zagazig University- Menia University - Understanding. - Knowledge. - Practical Skills. Alexandria University- Manroura University- Menofia University- Tanta University - Intellectual Skills. - Professional Skills. - Practical Skills. Ain Shams University- Benha University- Assuit University- Suez Canal University - General Skills. - Transferable Skills.

29 5- Correlate the academic standards with the role of nurse

30 4. General and Transferable skills 3. Profession al Skills/ Practice 2. Intellec tual Skills 1.Knowl edge & Understa nding Role of nurse Provider of Health Care Communicator Collaborator & coordinator Health Educator Advocacy Professional development Research Participant

31 Provider of Health Care as an e.g. StandardsDomain utilize concepts and principles derived from the course of study as a body of knowledge for practicing in a variety of set ups 1.Knowledge & Understanding work with the consumer, (and his/her relatives/carers), group/community/population to consider the range of activities that are feasible/ appropriate/acceptable in planning the care including possibilities for referral 2. Intellectual Skills synthesize knowledge derived from the scientific, behavioral and nursing sciences for the development of professional skills 3. Professional Skills/ Practice utilize concepts and principles derived from the course of study as a body of knowledge for practicing in a variety of set ups 4. General and Transferable skills

32 6. Valid & reliable standards ready for implementation and was sent to jury and stakeholders for evaluation- Final draft was prepared after their feedback. 7. Glossary of scientific terms has been developed. 8. Guideline manual for the implementation and utilization of academic reference standard of nursing education has been developed (understudy) 9. Symposium to raise awareness for the faculty and stakeholders.

33 Obstacles that hindered the progress of the project 1. Delay in delivering the proposed standards Causes of this problem was that standards have been developed as professional one first and then the reference standards were developed later. The impact on the project was that the project life was extended after the targeted date. The nursing sector now has professional standards beside the reference ones.

34 2. Delay in completing phase II Causes was: a. Lack of communication between nursing sector and QAAP. b. Delay in receiving feedback of the first report up till now (6 months) c. Delay in receiving budget of Phase II Impact on the project was; delay in completing phase II. Obstacles Cont.

35 Finally: Quality is not something extraordinary, BUT it is something ordinary extraordinary well. it is something ordinary extraordinary well. Quality is doing the right things right, the right things right, every time from the first time. every time from the first time.