P LANNING FOR P RESENTATIONS There are four planning tasks that are important when preparing a presentation
N UMBER 1 Choose objectives and content for the presentation
N UMBER 2 Select appropriate and powerful advance organizers
N UMBER 3 Diagnose students’ prior knowledge
N UMBER 4 Plan for use of time and space
C ONDUCTING P RESENTATION L ESSONS The syntax of a presentation lesson consists of four basic phases
P HASE 1 Clarifying the aims of the lesson and getting students ready to learn
P HASE 2 Presenting the advance organizer
P HASE 3 Present the new information
P HASE 4 Monitor and check students’ understanding and extend and strengthen their thinking skills
M ANAGE THE L EARNING E NVIRONMENT Be an active presenter Quiet area with good visibility for students Let the students know that there is no talking while the teacher is talking Motive students to watch and listen Expect anything
A SSESSMENT AND E VALUATION Test students’ knowledge Test at all levels of knowledge and not for simple recall of factual information Communicate clearly to students that what they will be tested on. Test frequently rather than wait for midterms, finals, etc.
“ Teaching is more than just talking. Successful presentation lessons require extensive preparation.” ~Richard Arends