Pennsylvania Colony Founded in:1682 Founder: William Penn By: Shahzor N. Olivia P. Mackenzie S.
First people The first people of this colony was the Lenni Lenape. They were a native tribe. They were peaceful people. They lived in longhouses in the winter. In the summer they built round houses called wigwams. They planted, hunted ,and fished. They shared their land with the early settlers. They lived next to the Delaware bay.
Early Settlers European settlers arrived in the 1600’s. In 1609, Henry Hudson an English explorer sailed into Delaware bay. These settlers built the Pennsylvania colony along the Delaware river. When Henry and his ship mates went back to Pennsylvania they brought back stories and maps. In 1638
Life in the Colony Everyone in the Pennsylvania Colony worked hard. Many boys worked hard in the fields with their fathers. Other boys for master craftsmen. Girls worked with their mothers in kitchen gardens. They used vegetables from their gardens to cook their meals. The extra vegetables they had, they sold. Women took care of cows, chickens, and other small farm animals.
Life in the colony part 2 People in their own towns raised and grew their own food. Townspeople raised chickens, pigs, cows in their own yards. They also grew their own gardens. Schools were not large. Most kids did not attend because they had to work with their mothers and fathers. Colonist usually had some education.
Work and Trade Pennsylvania’s first settlers were farmers. Some colonists worked as tanners. Other craftsmen made goods from iron and glass. It was easy for them to trade because the Atlantic Ocean is close to them. By the late 1700’s Philadelphia was a busy city. Philadelphia had a public market.
Work and Trade part 2 Some people worked as indentured servants. These people were mostly young men and women. People were not paid to work. After a few years they were free to do as they pleased. Africans were shipped to the Americas to become slaves. Slaves were not paid to work. They were not allowed to go as they pleased.
Info on the Colony’s exports The agricultural exports are corn, flax seed, rye, and wheat. The industrial exports were glass, iron, and rope. The natural resource export was lumber. All these materials were very important to this colony to make a profit.
Community and religion The Pennsylvania colony welcomed all faiths. Quakers joined a group called Society of Friends. This religion began in England. Quakers gathered monthly. They had simple services. Jews, Moravians, and other religious groups had freedom that they did not have in Europe. Quakers prayed in meetinghouses.
Community and Religion part 2 Pennsylvania’s colonists were divided by social class. Wealthy people were more respected than average, and poor people. Lawyers and ministers followed wealthy people. Next came Skilled craftsmen. Also known as carriage makers and silversmiths. Laborers and servants were lower in rank. Blacks were not respected at all.
Community and religion part 3 Many colonists reached out to help each other even if they were in a different class. Dr. Thomas Bond and Ben Franklin helped build the first hospital. Franklin organized a fire department in Philadelphia. Other people in Pennsylvania created a better life.
Becoming a state ! William Penn set up a government for Pennsylvania. He elected members for an assembly he created. After Penn died his original ideas stayed in place. Until 1775 Penn's family governed the colony. Pennsylvania served as a continental meeting place for the congress during the Revolutionary war.
When Pennsylvania gained statehood and what state it is. Pennsylvania became the second state of the U.S.A. in 1787. They wrote the Constitution of the U.S. which is a framework of laws. They became a state in the winter. To be specific December 12, 1787.
Important facts! Some religious faiths were the Amish, Catholic, Church of England, Jewish, Lutheran, Moravian, Presbyterian, and Quaker. The Pennsylvania colony was named after William Penn’s father. The location was the Middle Colonies. The first settlement was Philadelphia. Thanks for watching !!!