VIRTUAL CLASSROOM TOUR Documents Web Links Innovative Teachers Date Title Creator/s Homepage Objective/s Interactive Whiteboards in Dundee to identify the strengths and the limitations of the use of interactive whiteboards, and so learn lessons to inform future policies; to learn some practical lessons about how to use the boards, when to use them, how much of the benefit comes from the projector and what value is added by the interactive whiteboard; to find out about optimal means for introducing staff, for training and support and the phases of development through which staff progress; to look at ways and means to sustain the 'immediate payback' which introduction of whiteboards has been seen to offer, to ensure a continuing progression in learning benefits beyond the immediate impact; to raise awareness in Dundee of impact of IWBs November 2007 ICT Support Section
Learning Together in Dundee Innovative Teachers VIRTUAL CLASSROOM TOUR Background/ Rationale Documents Web Links About There has been a big investment of cash, time and goodwill in Dundee schools in installing projectors and interactive whiteboards such as those made by Promethean and SMART Technologies. A general enthusiasm among teachers and young people - reflecting the pattern elsewhere - had been reported. A survey was needed to ascertain what has been the overall impact, what level of good practice exists and what should be done to maximise this impact. Encouragement of teachers to create VCTs (this format) to display their good practice in using IWB to support LTiD (Learning Together in Dundee) in their classrooms. Include IWBs in any exhibition/ICT display. Learning Together in Dundee
Innovative Teachers VIRTUAL CLASSROOM TOUR People Documents Web Links People Interviewers: Louise Henderson … ESO: Primary (ICT) June Jelly … ESO: Secondary (ICT) Theresa Mungall … Visiting Specialist: ICT (Early Years) Roddy Stuart … External Consultant Interviewed: 6 Nursery managers and practitioners (including teachers and nursery nurses) 5 Primary practitioners who are experienced ICT users 4 Primary practitioners who are less experienced ICT users 3 Primary ICT co-ordinators 4 Secondary practitioners who are experienced ICT users 4 Secondary practitioners who are less experienced ICT users 4 Secondary ICT co-ordinators or other SMT members 3 groups of P6 and/or P7 children 1 group of P4 children 3 groups of S1/S2 students
Learning Together in Dundee Innovative Teachers VIRTUAL CLASSROOM TOUR Project Documents Web Links The principal means by which the investigation has been carried out has been through structured interviews with individual members of staff, representing a wide range of perspectives, and with groups of young people in primary schools and secondary schools. Conclusions: There has been evident progress for many teachers and young people in making good and growing use of interactive whiteboards, in all sectors. Almost everyone thought that the direction of change was positive. This early success should be an impetus to further extend the value that interactive whiteboards can offer to enhance a wide range of the learning and teaching processes. These will help the education community to embrace the fundamental goals of A Curriculum for Excellence and other Dundee priorities. Curriculum for Excellence Dundee IWB report
Learning Together in Dundee Innovative Teachers VIRTUAL CLASSROOM TOUR Web Links Impact Documents Impact The finished report has been ratified by the ICT Strategy Group, saved in the Dundee schools’ shared drive (available to all Dundee teachers) and publicised via Dundee City Digital Classrooms Website (DC2) and by to senior managers. A poster was prepared using children’s quotes about their learning through IWB use and distributed to all schools. Awareness of the impact of IWB use has risen as evidenced by even more training applications and the submission of good practice flipcharts to the central shared drives in Dundee. IWB Poster Promethean Planet Promethean WorldSmart Technologies
Learning Together in Dundee Innovative Teachers VIRTUAL CLASSROOM TOUR Next Steps Documents Web Links Next Steps Training: In order to meet increased demand for training, we plan to empower teachers to become trainers themselves, cascading the ability to use IWBs effectively. We shall work with Promethean trainers to provide a variety of training opportunities such as: Promethean’s online training modules Promethean trainer-led inservice ICT support team-lead inservice Masterclass and Promethean trainer teachers mentoring their colleagues. Dissemination and promotion of good practice flipcharts from all sectors, covering a range of curricular subjects throughout Dundee. Good Practice flipchartsPhotostory