PHRASAL VERBS Daniel Barat de Llanos Maria Ciurana cataluña Mª Amparo Gabarda Benetó Oxana Lozinskaya Maria Rodilla Simeó
FRIENDSHIP AND RELATIONSHIPS FRIENDSHIP: is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. LOVE RELATIONSHIP: To have a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward (a person).
PHRASAL VERBS A group of words that functions as a verb and is made up (formed) of a verb and a preposition, an adverb, or both. For example: 1.VERB + PREPOSITION go out 2. VERB + ADVERB Run away 3. VERB + ADVERB + PREPOSITION Get away with
PHRASAL VERBS IN THE VIDEO POSITIVE BUMP INTO - to meet by chance; encounter unexpectedly. Ex: You’ll never guess who I bumped into today! FALL FOR = FALL IN LOVE WITH - to become crazy about a person. Ex: he is good- looking and smooth: all the women fall for him
PHRASAL VERBS IN THE VIDEO POSITIVE GET ON WITH - to establish a friendly relationship. Ex: He gets on well with other people ASK SMB OUT - to invite someone to come with you to a place as a way of starting a romantic relationship. Ex: She’s asked Steve out to the cinema this evening. NEGATIVE SPLIT UP = BREAK UP - to become separated or parted through disagreement. Ex: They split up after years of marriage
PHRASAL VERBS IN THE VIDEO POSITIVE MOVE IN ON- take up residence with someone. Ex: She moved in on her boyfriend’s place last month. GO OUT – to meet regularly; date. Ex: She went out with my cousin last night
PHRASAL VERBS IN THE VIDEO POSITIVE MAKE UP - to become reconciled after quarrel. Ex: We had a tiff, but late we kissed and made up. GET BACK TOGETHER - restart a romantic relationship. Ex: They got back together a year after their divorce. NEGATIVE FALL OUT - to argue with a friend. Ex: They have fallen out and are no longer speaking to each other.