1 Intro 1a CIS 748 Software Management Dr. David A Gustafson
2 Intro 1a Course Purpose u introduction to terminology and concepts u introduction to documents in portfolio u experience in developing portfolio u experience in reviewing software development
3 Intro 1a Course Conduct u lectures –TWR 9:00-11:50 (Jun 12 – July 26) u interactive sessions –T 7:00PM - 10:00PM (Jun 19 – July 24) u text - Reifer - Software Mangement - 5th ed u assignments - offcampus fax
4 Intro 1a Interactive Sessions u Tuesdays, 7PM-10PM –starting June 19th u Discussion question/topic/task posted on web page u Kstate Online Chat Rooms u Send comments/solutions, etc to
5 Intro 1a Homework Assignments u Daily –I will try to post on lecture page u Write id on every assignment (e.g. L1S4) u Off-campus – only fax accepted u In-class (at end of class, off-campus 24 hours later – 5pm CDT) u Out-of-class due before start of class (5 pm CDT) –Tues (off Tuesday) –Wed (off Friday) –Thur (off Monday)
6 Intro 1a Exams u one midterm (200 points) u one final (200 points) u crib sheets –8.5 by 11 inches –handwritten –turn in with exam –1 midterm, 2 for final
7 Intro 1a Information u –announcements, syllabus, calendar (reading assignments), lecture slides, interactive sessions –grades through KSU Online grade system –Student web pages –FAQ pages
8 Intro 1a Course Grading u Grade based on total points –homework, midterm exam, final, projects, web pages, interactive sessions u 90% or above - A u 80% or above - B u Late Assignments (On & Off Campus) –10% after start of class –10% each additional day
9 Intro 1a L1aS9 - Web Pages u Each student will maintain a web page devoted to this class that will include –a photo –a time log –links to portfolio samples u TA support for building web page, etc u By Tuesday 9am, 10 pts, on and off campus
10 Intro 1a Questions u send - –personal questions and interactive sessions
11 Intro 1a L1aS11 –Being a Manager u What should a manager do? u Do you want to be a manager? –5 reasons other than more money or power u Turn in – 5 pts (off campus by Wed 5pm)
12 Intro 1a Reading Assign u Tues, Jun 12 –Pages 4-16 of text u Wed, Jun 13 –Pages of text u Thur, Jun 14 –Pages of text