EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for thermal metrology Contact thermometry (WP8) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Presentation transcript:

EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for thermal metrology Contact thermometry (WP8) Objectives of WP8 WP 8 defines the technical content of the VI for contact thermometry. Information related to the following categories will be collected:  Best practice guides  use of thermometers and fixed points  measurement  standardisation  Data base  thermal instruments  service suppliers

EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for thermal metrology Contact thermometry (WP8) continue: Objectives of WP8 WP 8 defines the technical content of the VI for contact thermometry. The collected Information will made available via database search by:  Specific industrial areas  Standards  Meeting reports  Latest developments

EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for thermal metrology Contact thermometry (WP8) WP8.1 present members OrganizationCountryWeb page INSAFrancewww.insa-france.fr

EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for thermal metrology Contact thermometry (WP8) WP8.1: Description of Work Task => to promote involvement of SMEs in R&D projects Interactive hot line services for virtual thematic clubs SME database (Research partner tools) Development of tools to promote R&D project in Europe Compiling relevant R&D projects for the medium term in Europe Form of the SME database Content of the SME database

EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for thermal metrology Contact thermometry (WP8) WP8.1: Contribution of Work Task Compile R&D project list EVITherM database Compile events & research partners