Colonial Pennsylvania By: Nabeel Baig
History William Penn founded Pennsylvania in It was named Pennsylvania for William's father named Sylvania. It was the 2 nd state to ratify the constitution. Philadelphia was named its first capital. Later immigrants such as Scottish, African Slaves, Irish and Native Americans came to the colony. It flourished after that.
Major Industries Manufacturing: Sawmills, Textile Mills, Printing, Construction, Shipbuilding, and the Conestoga Wagon Agriculture: Crops, Wheat, Corn, Cattle, and Dairy Commerce and Transportation: The colony became the most important trade center in all 13 colonies. By 1776 they had the trade center worth several million dollars.
First’s They had the first university They had the first hospital They had the first library They had the first insurance company They were the first to protest against the stamp acts. They had the first continental congress They had the first chapel They had the first Catholic Congregation
Population Indians: Their land was bought by William Penn. They later moved westward in America. English: They were a dominant element in the population of Pennsylvania. Germans: Thousands of Germans came to the colony and settled in the inside part of Pennsylvania. Scottish-Irish: They migrated from 1717 till the revolution. After the revolution not many more Scottish –Irish people migrated. African Americans: 4,000 slaves were brought to Pennsylvania in They were mostly owned by English and Scottish people.
Society and Culture Arts and Learning: They were known as the Athens of America because of its rich culture. They had the first university and college called the University of Pennsylvania. In that university they learned Art, Math, Language, and Science. They had the first library, and created newspapers and magazines that flourished.
Society and Culture Religion: The first Religious Meeting was held at Upland. The Quakers were small in number, but had a great influence on the people of Pennsylvania. The Germans belonged to Lutheran Churches. They had the second largest Catholic population among the colonies. Methodism originated here in the late 1760’s.
Interesting Facts Thinking that the British would take the liberty bell, 200 people took it by caravan to the basement of a well guarded church. Philadelphia was the first capital The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were both signed in Philadelphia. William Penn was put into jail in the tower of London for questioning the doctrine of Trinity. When he was released, he was put in charge of this colony by King Charles III. William was put in charge of Pennsylvania because the King wanted to get rid of the Quakers, so he thought by doing this that they would follow him.
Why Should You Live Here? You should live in this state because there is a freedom of religion and freedom of learning. You should live here because there is a great diversity of the population. There are some British, some Africans, and some Scottish. Another reason you should live here because there are many different industries that make money. They also have the first University and the first library and the first hospital.
Personal Reflection I think the systems of energy means that people work together to achieve a common goal. In the colonies they used systems to help each other when the British were attacking them. I think systems were important back in 1100 as much as it is today. I use a lot of systems, such as the printing system. Without printers what would we do. I also use the mail systems. Mail systems get all the letters and parcels that we send from place to place. I think without systems the world could not run successfully.
Bibliography /13pennsylvania.htm /13pennsylvania.htm history/pa_history.htm history/pa_history.htm nity/overview_of_pennsylvania_history/4281/ __the_quaker_province/ nity/overview_of_pennsylvania_history/4281/ __the_quaker_province/ pennsylvania.html pennsylvania.html
I Hope you come and see our wonderful state of Pennsylvania!!