Keep Your Fork 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Introductory Thoughts Story of the Lady who wanted to be buried with a fork. Life can be hard, discouraging and disappointing We can reach a point when we say, “What’s the use?” The answer to the question is “Keep your fork”. Let’s examine some passages of scripture this morning to prove the answer.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Do not faint, give up or quit. Physical things wear out & are ready to perish. Spiritual things become stronger as they are renewed each day. Our affliction is but for a moment. We can only see the temporary things and lose focus on the invisible, which is eternity.
Luke 15:22 The prodigal son finally returns home. Father instructs the servant to bring the BEST robe, ring and shoes. Best is translated from the Greek to mean first in honor, the foremost place or position. Not just any ring, but the best, symbolizing that the best is yet to be.
Mark 10:44 Do you want to be the top dog, chief or most powerful? If so, then you must become a servant of all. The best only comes when we are willing to serve others.
Revelation 19:9, 17 Here we find one of the 7 Beatitudes of Revelation. Verse 9 shows the invitation to join in fellowship with Christ. Verse 17 shows the final invitation to be in God’s presence for eternity. Fellowship with Christ is grand, but the best is reserved for eternity.
Concluding Thoughts Matthew 11:28-30. In order to receive the best, invitation to eternal life, one must heed Christ’s invitation. Keep your fork – The Best is yet to come.