Miss Christina Sayegh Grade 6 St. Martin de Porres School
8:30 – 9:30 Monday – Friday
Mathematics Textbooks and Resources In addition to the textbook and modules, students will be keeping an Interactive Math Notebook to complete various activities. Glencoe Math Course 1 EngageNY Common Core Modules
Interactive Math Notebooks Provides students with hands on activities that align with the curriculum Students will keep a separate notebook for these activities The Interactive Math Notebook will serve as a portfolio of student work throughout the school year
Topic 1 – Ratios and Unit Rates Solve ratio and rate problems about quantities Equivalent ratios and rates Connect understanding of multiplication and division with ratios and rates Real world problems involving ratios and rates. Use proportional reasoning to convert between measurements. Percent of Quantity
Topic 2 – Arithmetic Operations Including Dividing of Fractions Fluency in arithmetic operations Divide fractions by fractions Solve real-world fraction division word problems. Division by a fraction and operations on multi-digit decimals
Topic 3 – Rational Numbers Use the coordinate plane to model and solve real- world problems involving rational numbers Understanding positive and negative numbers on a number line Ordering integers Absolute value Rational numbers
Topic 4 – Expressions and Equations Relationship of operations in equations Replacing letters and numbers Expanding, factoring, and distributing in expressions Expressing operations in algebraic forms Solving equations
Topic 5 – Area, Surface Area, and Volume Problems Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving Area of triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons Polygons on the coordinate plane Volume of right rectangular prisms Nets and Surface Area
Topic 6 – Statistics Develop an understanding of statistical variability Summarize and describe distributions Display numerical data in plots on a number line including dot plots, histograms, and box plots Mean, median, mode, and range Interquartile Range – Absolute Deviation
Requirements and Other Information Students are expected to come to class prepared with all the necessary materials including the textbook, notebook, and supplies. ALL Math is to be completed in PENCIL. ALL Math is to be NEAT. Always show your work. “Answers Only” is unacceptable for homework, tests, and quizzes. The Interactive Math Notebook is to be kept separate from the regular Math notebook.
Requirements and Other Information Unannounced quizzes are given. Math Maintenance is given 4 times a week. Vocabulary is an integral part of Math! Tests are given throughout each topic and will include an overall topic test. There will be 5 or more tests per quarter. When tests are returned, they are to be brought home, signed, and returned the next day.
Homework For Students: For Teachers: Find a quiet place to work. Be sure to have no distractions (TV, music, texting, social media) Have a positive attitude and try your best! Become involved in your child’s education Designate a specific time and quiet area for homework to be completed Don’t “DO” their HW for them, but please look over the quality of the work that is being handed in Assigned every night!
Math Bonus Time I will be having Math “Bonus” time for Math 6 once a week. I have not yet decided which day but I will let you know soon.
Contact me via my webpage which can be found on the school website, My is