December Rontgen’s wife’s hand. The first Xray.
Tesla’s human foot in a shoe
Tesla invented the technology of Xray in Unfortunately his lab burned down on March in New York, and much data was lost. BUT there were witnesses and testimonials to his discovery.
Roentgen’s letter to Tesla dated July 20th, The letter reads, “Dear Sir! You have surprised me tremendously with the beautiful photographs of wonderful discharges and I tell you thank you very much for that. If only I knew how you make such things! With the expression of special respect I remain yours devoted, W. C. Roentgen.” (Courtesy of the Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Serbia; document no. MNT, CXLIV, 152.) Tesla Rontgen
Radiation in Medicine, sometimes called nuclear medicine Radiation is used often in research and medicine for example…..look below, remember this?
X ray imaging
What is a PET scan?
PET Scans Positron emission tomography Uses: Carbon 11 ( 11 C, t1/2 20min) or Fluorine 18 ( 18 F t ½ 110min) May use non specific radioactive isotope or specific ligand PET ligands: ligands are something that bonds (or sticks) to something else. Proteins or other molecules that are radioactive and then stick to certain and specific other proteins. ***Carbon 11 has one less neutron than Carbon 12. ***Fluorine 18 has one less neutron that “regular” Fluorine 19
PET scan machine
(18F) fluorodeoxyglucose abbreviated to FDG is one of the major tracers used In PET scans. It is a analog of glucose…..sugar. C 6 H F O 5 C 6 H 12 O 6 glucose
FDG tracer used
Clinical History A 43-year-old female patient presented for evaluation and restaging of cervical cancer. A hysterectomy had been performed for cervical cancer 9 months prior. Imaging Findings NUCLEAR MEDICINE PET/CT Scan STATED REASON FOR REQUEST: Cervical cancer restaging RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL ADMINISTERED: 18 F FDG IV
PET of colon cancer That has spread to the liver
Pancreatic cancer
Used 11 C tagged to the drug to observe.
In this case the baseline is the control PET scan.
Normal PET scan Lymph node cancers
PET of woman with Breast cancer that Has spread to bones (bone metastases)
Cancer detected in left breast. FDG tracer PET scans
The patient on the left was a 44 year old female who had complained of right breast fullness and discomfort from an axillary nodule. An initial mammogram was negative. Over the following six months two additional mammograms were performed and were both negative. A fine needle biopsy of the axillary nodule was subsequently performed and demonstrated carcinoma. An ultrasound guided biopsy of an 8 mm breast lesion was negative. A FDG PET exam was then performed and revealed extensive metastases to axillary and supraclavicular lymph nodes, as well as the primary lesion in the right breast (black arrow). PET scans
Whole body metastasis of myeloma. PET scans
Effectiveness of PET scans
How MRI works
PET scan using PET ligand for dopamine receptor