1 Power of Peace Network An initiative to foster mutual understanding and self-expression Mr Abdul Waheed Khan Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information 29 April 2007
2 Content Threats to peace World military spending and MDGs Peace definitions Solutions Ways to achieve mutual understanding UNESCO and peace Peace and ICTs UNESCO’s contribution: PPN PPN initiative: stakeholders, first steps, features, operational base, elements of business base
3 War on terrorism War on drugs War on poverty War on HIV and AIDS War on corruption War on human trafficking War on climate change War on ……..
4 Threats to peace Wars, conflicts Poverty Materialism Infectious diseases Environmental degradation Nuclear, radiological, chemical and biological weapons Terrorism, extremism Political oppression Transnational organized crime Lack of mutual understanding and tolerance
5 Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice. Baruch Spinoza ( )
6 The World's Largest Military Spenders (Defense budgets in $ billions 2006*) *The figure for the United States is the budget request for Fiscal Year 2008, including $141.7 billion for the Global War On Terrorism. Unless otherwise noted, figures are for Expenditures are used in a few cases where official budgets are significantly lower than actual spending. Sources: International Institute for Strategic Studies, U.S. Department of Defense Costs of attaining the MDGs: $19 billion is the annual shortfall to eliminate starvation and malnutrition globally. $12 billion is the annual shortfall to provide education for every kid on earth. $15 billion is the annual shortfall to provide access to water and sanitation. $23 billion is the annual shortfall to reverse the spread of AIDS and Malaria. Source: World Bank emId=402274&itemId=402274
7 Peace ? Harmonious relationshipsFreedom from disputes Inner contentment and serenity Mutual understanding and tolerance Freedom from wantFreedom of fear Freedom to live in dignity
8 There is no way to peace. Peace is the way. Mahatma Gandhi (1969 – 1948)
9 Solutions Respect for human rights Respect for rule of law Dialogue between people of different nations and different cultures Peaceful resolution of conflicts Respect for diversity
10 * UNESCO’s Constitution A continuous exchange of information and knowledge Free flow of ideas by word and image* Mutual understanding can only be achieved through:
11 UNESCO and Peace … since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed. …ignorance of each other’s ways and lives has been a common cause, throughout history of mankind, of that suspicion and mistrust between peoples of the world through which their differences have all too often broken into war… Constitution of UNESCO, November 16, 1945
12 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have an enormous power to foster the free flow of ideas and enhance mutual understanding of each other. PEACEICTs
13 Fostering mutual understanding “Media are essential to foster mutual understanding and exchange of opinions and, ultimately to establish a peaceful environment.”
14 UNESCO’s Contribution Power of Peace Network An initiative to foster mutual understanding and self-expression
15 What is the Power of Peace Network? An initiative to: Support and train a network of local creative talent on all continents Acquire, develop and brand programmes and content on peace-related themes Distribute this content globally through radio, television, internet, telephony, Ipods, games and new digital and web-based services
16 Who is behind? UNESCO is using its convening power to network public and private partners and stakeholders to participate in planning and testing the PPN initiative.
17 First steps Acquire, commission and train for a discrete body of content from diverse cultural settings Package, version, brand and distribute content through all media and ICT platforms Consult widely Undertake applied and participatory research for the development and funding of a fully operating Power of Peace Network
18 Features of PPN Production and distribution –Focus on youth in reach and operation –Acquire at least 1000 items of broadcast quality content from up to 50 countries for distribution on all platforms –Train and commission young talent Research and development –Audience research, resource mapping, technology mapping, marketing strategies –Partnerships Business strategy –Stakeholder planning and networking –Business modeling –Phase two strategic planning
19 Operational base PPN Distribution Not-for-Profit Business Case Content Local / Regional / Diverse Writers Producers Bloggers Musicians Broadcasters Satellite Broadcast Partners (Affliates) CD / DVD / Video Distributors Google Internet iPod Cellphone
20 Elements of business base “MOSAIC” Partners Donors Advertisers Distribution Fees Mechandizing PPN