The New Social Story Book Illustrated Edition By Carol Gray
What is a Social Story A Social Story is a process that results in a teaching product for a person with ASD Allows others to see things from the students’ perspective Provides rote practice It is a short story that describes a troubling situation, concept, or social skills Translates behavior into meaningful activity for the student The result is often renewed sensitivity of others to the experience of the person with ASD, and an improvement in the response of the person with ASD
When to Use a Social Story To acknowledge positive behaviors To encourage generalization of behaviors in other settings To explain situations that are difficult for a student—tells the student what to do To explain situations the student misinterprets To prepare or pre-teach
Why to Use Social Stories To improve social understanding To increase independence Provides positive backdrop—allows staff to be proactive in various situations Provides concrete, easy to understand information for the student
How to Use This Book Organized into 13 chapters Each chapter contains several stories Most stories will serve as an outline- they can be used to create a final story that fits the need of the student or situation
Table of Contents of Social Stories Chapter 1: Social Skills Chapter 2: People and Pets Chapter 3: Personal Care Chapter 4: Cooking and Mealtime Routines Chapter 5: Helping Around the House Chapter 6: Outdoor Games/Activities Chapter 7: Time for School Chapter 8: Getting Around Chapter 9: Community Helpers Chapter 10: Restaurants and Shopping Chapter 11: Understanding the Weather Chapter 12: Holidays, Vacations and Recreation
The Final Chapter How to Write a Social Story Information on developing stories from scratch Discusses how to implement the stories