Esteem God’s Leaders 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28
DISCUSSION GUIDE Believers honor their spiritual leaders. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13) How believers relate to one another. (1 Thessalonians 5:14-15) Duties of believers. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-22) Paul’s blessing. (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24) Conclusion. (1 Thessalonians 5:25-28)
DISCUSSION GUIDE DISCUSSION GUIDE 1. How does God want us to regard our church leaders? (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13) Paul says that we should respect our church leaders and hold them in highest regard.
2. How do you show respect for leaders in your church? DISCUSSION GUIDE DISCUSSION GUIDE 2. How do you show respect for leaders in your church?
DISCUSSION GUIDE DISCUSSION GUIDE 3. What should you do if you believe that the leaders in your church are not worthy of your respect?
DISCUSSION GUIDE DISCUSSION GUIDE 4. How should believers treat one another? (1 Thessalonians 5:13-15) Paul says that believers should warn the idle, encourage the timid, and help the weak. We should be patient and kind to one another.
DISCUSSION GUIDE DISCUSSION GUIDE 5. What are the characteristics of the idle, timid, and weak people at church?
DISCUSSION GUIDE DISCUSSION GUIDE 6. Paul lists 7 duties of believers. What are they? (1 Thessalonians 5:16-22) Paul says that believers should: Be joyful always Pray continually Give thanks in all circumstances Do not put out the Spirit’s fire Do not treat prophecies with contempt Test everything Hold on to what is good, and avoid every kind of evil
DISCUSSION GUIDE DISCUSSION GUIDE 7. Which of these things do we do well? In which areas do we need to improve?
DISCUSSION GUIDE DISCUSSION GUIDE 8. What does it mean to “pray continually?” What are some circumstances in which it is hard to give thanks? What happens when you pay back evil for evil? How can a person put out the Spirit’s fire? What are some good things to which we need to cling and some evil things we need to avoid?
DISCUSSION GUIDE DISCUSSION GUIDE 9. In his blessing Paul asks God for two things for the Thessalonians. What are they? (1 Thessalonians 5:23) Paul asks that God: Sanctify them through and through Keep them blameless
DISCUSSION GUIDE DISCUSSION GUIDE 10. What is the difference between being sanctified and being blameless?
11. How can we tell if God is at work in us? DISCUSSION GUIDE DISCUSSION GUIDE 11. How can we tell if God is at work in us?
DISCUSSION GUIDE DISCUSSION GUIDE 12. What do you think that Paul was trying to communicate when he said that we should “greet all the brothers with a holy kiss?”
DISCUSSION GUIDE As we conclude today’s lesson let me ask you where you are right now. Are you: Ready to act on any urging you receive from the Holy Spirit? Afraid that you will receive a direction from the Holy Spirit because you think that you will “chicken out?” Unsure that you have ever received such an urging from the Holy Spirit? Hopeful that you never will receive such a direction from the Holy Spirt?