St Alban’s Goals Going deeper with God Growing closer to one another Going further into the community How does a church go about engaging with its community? 1.By being a witness for Jesus (Acts 1 v 8) If Jesus walked in right now, would I be pleased to see him ? If being like Jesus was a crime, would there be enough evidence to convict you? 2. By joining a ministry group that serves together in Jesus’ name or starting a ministry group, prompted by God
How do we decide what to be involved in? Prayerfully according to our God-given passion “A Good idea or a God idea?” So….what are you involved in? What do you have a passion to be involved in? Why do Christians engage with the community?
1. We are called to follow what Jesus did and said: Go and make disciples of all nations Love your neighbour as yourself – Jesus cared for the marginalised… God ensures that orphans and widows receive justice. He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing. (Deut 10 v18) When you [take] the crops/olives/grapes from your fields/ trees/vines, don’t go over the plant twice. Leave the remaining crops/olives/grapes for the foreigners, orphans, and widows. (Deut 24 v20) God said, “Cursed is anyone who denies justice to foreigners, orphans, or widows.” (Deut 27 v19) Work for the peace and prosperity (the good) of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the L ORD for it, for its welfare (prosperity) will determine your welfare (prosperity).” (Jer 29 v7)
2. We need to build credibility & trust with the community “People have given up on the truth because they don’t believe anyone can be trusted. The world is full of people who have been hurt by those who were supposed to love them – people they should have been able to trust. Before churches will be heard, they must re-establish trust. To establish trust, they must first show their ability to love.” [The Externally Focussed Church – R Rusaw & E Swanson (2004)] Outward focussed churches believe that: good news and good deeds should not be separated they are vital to the health & wellbeing of their communities Christians grow best when serving and giving especially to those who cant repay they are evangelistically effective by building relationship bridges that the gospel can cross.