The Past Year Nationally the church still struggles for a voice in our society. Not helped by recent disagreements and continued bad media coverage, it is still seen as an archaic institution which is out of touch with ordinary people. But, despite the bad press...
A Christian presence in every community....We are still here!...
...But, we can’t be complacent about church growth!... Since 1968 the number of people attending church on a Sunday has dropped by half to 800,000 people.
Oakworth Parish Figures taken from CofE Parish Statistics. Inconsistent and perhaps unreliable?
Growing churches Could be growing churches Churches which need extra help
What makes churches grow? What is the evidence? What do we know about why some churches grow and some decline?
Factors that are associated with Growth Leadership The survey results show a strong correlation between those clergy who prioritise numerical growth and those clergy whose churches grow in number.
Factors that are associated with Growth Leadership Churches that say they have a clear mission and purpose are far more likely to report growth. Having a clear mission and purpose
Factors that are associated with Growth Leadership Vitality comes with reflection and choice; the particular style is less important than the fact it has been considered and embraced rather than adopted by default. Having a clear mission and purpose Being ready to self-reflect and learn continually
Factors that are associated with Growth Leadership Researchers describe successful churches with a ‘lets give it a go’ mentality. These churches try different initiatives as experiments – if they work they invest in them, if they don’t they drop them. Having a clear mission and purpose Being ready to self-reflect and learn continually Being willing to change and adapt
Factors that are associated with Growth Leadership Churches where volunteers are involved in leadership, and where roles are rotated regularly, is likely to be growing – especially where younger members and new members are included in lay leadership and service. Having a clear mission and purpose Being ready to self-reflect and learn continually Being willing to change and adapt Good lay leadership
Factors that are associated with Growth Leadership Churches which offer programmes for children and teenagers are more likely to grow. Having a clear mission and purpose Being ready to self-reflect and learn continually Being willing to change and adapt Good lay leadership Actively engaging Children and Teenagers
Factors that are associated with Growth Leadership Looking outwards is central to mission and many growing churches are those which engage with their local community Having a clear mission and purpose Being ready to self-reflect and learn continually Being willing to change and adapt Good lay leadership Actively engaging Children and Teenagers Actively engaging with those outside the church
Factors that are associated with Growth Leadership Having a clear mission and purpose Being ready to self-reflect and learn continually Being willing to change and adapt Good lay leadership Actively engaging Children and Teenagers Actively engaging with those outside the church Good welcoming and follow up for visitors The most direct route to growth comes from members inviting and welcoming family, friends and acquaintances.
Factors that are associated with Growth Leadership Having a clear mission and purpose Being ready to self-reflect and learn continually Being willing to change and adapt Good lay leadership Actively engaging Children and Teenagers Actively engaging with those outside the church Good welcoming and follow up for visitors Two thirds of churches which said they offered encouragement and support through specific discipleship courses or courses “preparing members to be a Christian witness in their daily lives” showed growth. Committed to nurturing new and existing Christians
Factors that are associated with Growth Leadership Having a clear mission and purpose Being ready to self-reflect and learn continually Being willing to change and adapt Good lay leadership Actively engaging Children and Teenagers Actively engaging with those outside the church Good welcoming and follow up for visitors Growth is not mechanical but results from a deep reflection and commitment, a desire to experiment and a desire for renewal. Committed to nurturing new and existing Christians Vision
Factors that are associated with Growth Leadership Having a clear mission and purpose Being ready to self-reflect and learn continually Being willing to change and adapt Good lay leadership Actively engaging Children and Teenagers Actively engaging with those outside the church Good welcoming and follow up for visitors Committed to nurturing new and existing Christians Vision Which of these are we good at and which do we need to do better?
Factors that are associated with Growth
I sowed the seed, Apollos watered the plant, but it was God who made the plant grow. The one who sows and the one waters really do not matter. It is God who matters, because he makes the plant grow. 1 Corinthians 3:6-7
God Our church mission statement reflects growth and who we are in Christ, both as individuals and as a church. Known to us through Christ by the reading of the scriptures
Worship Our personal and corporate relationship with God Fellowship Our relationship with others Discipleship Engaging in God’s loving purposes in the world God Our mission statement reflects growth and who we are in Christ as individuals and as a church.
Our Mission is... How do we do it?
What we already do! In 2013 people still came to us for... 7 Weddings (up from 2012 by 75%) 9 Baptisms 1 Thanksgiving 24 Funerals (up from 2012 by 60%)...and in 2013 we saw an increase in numbers at... Small Steps Friday Film Night Christmas Services
What we already do! Explorers Holden Art Club Holiday Club Some other significant activities in the past year which reach out in our community... EXPLORERSEXPLORERSEXPLORERSEXPLORERS New Website Thanksgiving and Memorial Service School Assemblies and Governor Representatives in both Schools Easter & Christmas Crafts Wine Tasting Evening
Some of these things need you to support them by coming along and inviting other people to come too! Explorers Holden Art Club Holiday Club EXPLORERSEXPLORERSEXPLORERSEXPLORERS Friday Film Night Thanksgiving and Memorial Service Easter & Christmas Crafts Wine Tasting Evening Christmas Services
Think about how you started coming to church, did somebody invite you? 2011 Census Data “You have a saying, ‘Four more months and then the harvest.’ But I tell you, take a good look at the fields; the crops are now ripe and ready to be harvested!” John 4:35
Start Course at the Lemon Tree Wednesday 4 th June
This year we will be moving forward with the reordering to help us do more of what we are already doing!