Why Kairos? “… I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matthew 25:36
Inmate Population and Staff Texas Prisons
Texas Prisons Operating Budget (in Billions)
TDCJ 10-year summary Staff - 124% increase Inmate population - 204% increase Operating budget - 282% increase 2000 budget for Texas prison system: $2.37 Billion
TDCJ Offender Statistics 1999 Community supervision450,000 Substance abuse felony 4,400 Prison/state jail147,000 Parole 75,000 Total676,400
National Prison Population , ,125, ,366,721 Texas has more people in prison than any other state in the U.S.
Recidivism Rate of offenders returning to prison
What is Kairos?
Kairos Greek for “God’s special time” Started in Florida in 1976 Active in: 230 prisons, 29 states, 5 countries, including Australia, England, South Africa, Canada, and U.S. Attended by 18,000+ yearly Active in 32 prisons in Texas
A non-denominational, lay-run Christian prison ministry
A 3-day shortcourse teaching God’s unconditional love for us through grace
A way to build Christian community in prisons
residents sit in groups of 6 residents, 2 lay people, and 1 clergy
Each group takes on the characteristics of a family
The weekend includes singing, presentations on Christian principles, meditations, prayer, and sharing
Kairos team members and residents meet the second Saturday of each month for Kairos reunions
Why do they come to Kairos? They hear stories about the food - two delicious, homemade meals a day - good coffee, fresh fruit, milk, cookies They are curious They get time off They are searching for: - acceptance - friendship - love
What happens when they come to Kairos? Their lives are changed Many re-commit to Christ Many accept Christ for the first time Many commit their lives to the ministry of Christ after they get out Most never return to prison
What can I do? Pray for the residents and team; join the weekend prayer vigil Bake cookies Sponsor a resident Sponsor a table Make placemats and kid agape
What’s with the cookies?
Kairos is called the “Cookie Ministry” Tens of thousands of cookies are needed for each weekend Residents share the cookies with other inmates and the correctional officers Sharing cookies is a way to spread God’s love throughout the prison
Can I serve on the team? You may serve on a team if you: attend a Walk to Emmaus, Cursillo, Tres Dias, Via Cristo, or Chrysalis attend team meetings commit to attend reunions for one year, if a member of the inside team complete TDCJ volunteer training
Can men and women work? Yes. But inside team members must be the same gender as the residents.
What is the impact of Kairos? As of December 2000, Kairos has held over 3680 weekends introducing over 139,000 men and women to Christ. 91% will never return to prison.
Why Kairos? Because Christ makes a difference.