Landscape of Madison College
1.What is your perception of Madison College? 2.What do we do well? 3.What are some “needs” to be addressed as we strive to reach our potential? 4.If you had a crystal ball, what do you see for us in 3-5 years? Where do you expect us to be?
Perceptions of Madison College College serves the local district well College has outstanding instructors College has good support staff – especially in regions Good independence at regions (not all) Good diversity among students Excellent student clubs Madison is a Great Institution Dual mission is well received Love working at Madison College College has tremendous respect College has good advisory committees Madison College is student focused Shuttle is good – glad to see it Good interdisciplinary collaborations Madison College offers concrete meaning to individuals for upward mobility, though becoming increasingly difficult Madison College has a strong reputation Madison is an inclusive campus “Proud to be here” “We do get it right” (technical training)
What Do We Do Well? Prepare individuals for work Support students academically as well as maintaining their access Teaching and learning Support for innovation Prepare students for universities Work well with second language students
Barriers/Needs To Be Addressed Need clear job descriptions of program directors/chairs, especially in a post ACT 10 environment Need to have ample planning and preparedness for the post ACT 10 environment Need for planning and assessment Need to improve communication flow throughout the District Review daycare at regional and metro campuses Students need help in “navigating” the system – electronically and “face-to-face” Review bookstore operations district-wide Need ease in navigating the website Admin need to come to campuses outside of Truax to meet with students and staff periodically Need to promote what is available at Madison College Need to increase communication and input from regional and metro campuses Refine the registration process Need to market the campuses Need to clarify the enrollment process Need to focus on consistency and clarity Need to re-establish environment of trust Need to “reduce” uncertainty Silos need to be eliminated Need framework for innovation Need to “talk to people” about what we have Need to redesign our thinking processes Need to create an environment where managers can do their job without fear of losing their job Reward faculty who make students better Need greater response time to issues Need better understanding of who are students are and their needs Focus on diversity needs to be seen as a direct intent as opposed to lip service Staff need to be valued and respected for their opinions and thoughts Need greater outreach efforts Need to address “bullying” and intimidation Need to have open and transparent communication Need to focus on affordability issues to increase access; “Open Door of Opportunity” College needs to become more culturally relevant – more cultural awareness Need to address issue aligned with “Best Kept Secret in Town” Need to reassess our marketing focus to not have marketing drive what we do Need to determine our campus facilities and operations
Future Need area/framework for academic innovations Determine if we are “managers” or “educational leaders/visionaries” Increase D.L. opportunities Fully integrated strategic plan with widespread input and assessed Aggressive outreach Positive post ACT 10 environment Trust, openness, transparency New and strategic programming (i.e., weekend college, accelerated evening program for working adults) Truly a data driven institution Determination on campuses Focus on students Prior experience learning credit Greater connection between College and community “Right to Succeed” v. “Right to Fail” Students/people first College of First Choice Coordinated efforts as opposed to silos Every student who wants to attend Madison College – CAN Implement tools to better address student/community needs Develop Chairs/Endowments We are seen as a beacon of hope for the underrepresented Great connection with K-12 “Different Strokes for Different Folks” – need to meet varied needs and provide support Housing for international students and athletes Clear about our mission A college of cohesion Wellness program to be proactive about burn-out Be heard, respected There is ease in getting in the College
Thematic Area #1 COMMUNICATION
Thematic Area #2 MISSION
Thematic Area #3 ORGANIZATION
Thematic Area #4 IMAGE