COMPASSION & SUFFERING WHO ARE WE? WHY DO WE SUFFER? HOW ARE WE CALLED TO RESPOND? PFV.01: identify the main features of a Christian anthropology and examine the human search for meaning and purpose; and FLV.01: describe the meaning of “the intrinsic dignity of each human person,” and its impact on our inherent sense of responsibility towards self and others.
COMPASSION & SUFFERING We are all created with an essential & irrevocable dignity in as much as we are loved by God and called to love; we are a social people. Our essential dignity is consummated when we contribute meaningfully to, and participate meaningfully in, the community. The IndividualThe Community
COMPASSION & SUFFERING Review your news app: what are the main stories in the world today? Consider the music you heard this weekend: how does it describe the human experience? Think about your interactions this weekend: did they describe a dignity and connected ness? WHY AND HOW?
COMPASSION & SUFFERING Read pages (excluding 16 &17) and respond to ‘For Review’ questions 1-3 (13) and 4-8 (21 & 22). Write a paragraph identifying which of the four responses to suffering most resembles your own default position and describe why.
COMPASSION & SUFFERING OPENING SENTENCE 3-6 SENTENCES OF EVIDENCE/EXPLA NATION CONCLUDING SENTENCE Swop your response with a partner and identify the three parts of the paragraph, comment on fluid style, and correct punctuation/grammar. Identify whether your partners response was principally: Head-focused – cognitive Heart-focused – affective Hand-focused - active
COMPASSION & SUFFERING From GAUDIUM ET SPES There are five basic truths of Catholic Anthropology: We are made in the image of God; We are loved by God; We are called to love and be in relationship; We are essentially good but weakened by sin & saved by grace; We do not end with death but move to a new life.
COMPASSION & SUFFERING Because we each have dignity, we are called to foster the dignity of others: We love; To seek and foster the good of others in the context of their concrete situation We live in community; To live in mutual compassion and regard, fostering the dignity of others We ensure that everyone has that which they need. Equity is not the same as equality
COMPASSION & SUFFERING HOW DO WE READ SCRIPTURE? CONTEXUALLY: We seek the deeper truths; We understand the historical context; We place it in the context of Holy Tradition. Scripture and tradition describe three iconic guidelines for living: 1. The Decalogue; Exodus & Deut The Beatitudes; Matt The Golden Rule. Matt 7.12 & Luke 6.31
COMPASSION & SUFFERING HOW DO WE READ SCRIPTURE? CONTEXUALLY: We seek the deeper truths; We understand the historical context; We place it in the context of Holy Tradition. Consider the three passages: Summarise in a sentence, what are they saying; Describe what is unique about each of them; Identify what is consistent in all of them; Describe how they present a moral and ethical framework; Consider what they say about compassion.
Compassion and Suffering If we are made to be in relationship, we can describe sin as any obstacle we place in our relationship with ourselves and others. We can talk about the five-fold nature of sin; sins against: 1. Self 2. Others 3. Other nations 4. Creation 5. God With a partner, describe an example of each kind of sin.
Compassion and Suffering When we respond to suffering with compassion, we seek justice. Read “Justice: The Reign of God’s Goodness” (20-26) and respond to questions Read “The Compassionate Way of Jesus” (27-38) and respond to questions