The Dark Ages
Dark Ages: Fall from Rome’s Glory W 2 1 2 1 : : - - Dark Ages: Fall from Rome’s Glory
? Essential Question: Explain what happened after the fall of the Roman Empire?
Background Dark Ages also called : Medieval Europe or Middle Ages Covers about 500 AD -1500 AD (1000 years) Most of our influences in this country are European.
Europe’s Geography Only 1/3 of the land is good for farming. South - warm, rainy - excellent farming. Center - heavily forested - lots of natural resources. North - very cold, mainly use the ocean for food and resources.
Imagine This Imagine all of the schools, colleges, libraries and computers in the world were destroyed. Now imagine all the teachers and doctors quit because nobody was paying them. What would the world be like?
Lost Empire When Rome fell, many libraries were burned and knowledge was lost. The Roman army could no longer protect the people. Barbarian and Roman culture combined into something new.
Dark Ages Roman Architecture
Dark Ages Roman Medicine
Survival With Rome gone, people were just trying to survive. People lived in small villages, mostly as farmers (agriculture!) Art, law, medicine, and reading weren’t important. This made the loss of knowledge even worse.
People longed for the old days under Rome People longed for the old days under Rome. They united together under leaders who could protect them. Leaders like…
Charlemagne Became king of France in 771. United Europe by forcing people to become Christians. Focused heavily on education. Was later crowned Holy Roman Emperor.
The Holy Roman Empire
Christianity Due to Charlemagne’s purge and more holy methods like showing the love of Christ… Christianity spread through barbarian kingdoms. The Church was the only stable connection to Roman times. Leaders used the Church as the backbone to rebuild the European Empire. But…
Make a chart showing the DA and Rome equivalents of each thing here Make a chart showing the DA and Rome equivalents of each thing here. Leader, check, edu, check… With a strong leader, education, and a common religion, it looked like the glory days of Empire was going to come back.
Vikings Between 700 and 800 AD Viking invaders raided monasteries and weakened European unity. Trade and learning slowed down. The glory days of Rome were not coming back and once again people had to focus on survival.
The End