Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski Welcome Business Outreach Groups Training Session 3.


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Presentation transcript:

Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski Welcome Business Outreach Groups Training Session 3

Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski The process

Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski

Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski And it was at this time that he went off to the mountain to pray, and he spent the whole night in prayer to God. And when day came, he called his disciples to him; and chose twelve of them whom he also named as apostles. Luke 6: For the lost For co-workers

Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski Effective follow-through - 1 Caring for new believers – Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. 1 Peter 2:2,3 – He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. Colossians 1:28 – just as a nursing mother cares for her children, so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well. 1 Thess. 2:8

Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski Effective follow-through -2 The tragedy – ‘Sir,’ the invalid replied, ‘I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. John 5:7

Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski Effective follow-through -3 Visiting those interested Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, ‘Let us go back and visit the believers in all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord and see how they are doing.’ – Acts 15:36

Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski Office visiting Showing love and concern – Thanks be to God, who put into the heart of Titus the same concern I have for you. 2 Corinthians 8:16 To witness – And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act towards outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:3-6

Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski

Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski Follow-up strategies Discussion meetings – 5 x evenings – Weekend Business Alpha – 10 weeks + weekend Operation Timothy – One –on-one

Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski Operation Timothy Paul discipled by Barnabas – Acts 9:17, 27 “with Him” – Mark 3:14 Programme – Bible studyknowledge – Equippingknow-how – Timecharacter

Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski Business Alpha Alpha guests explore Christianity in a relaxed, welcoming and engaging atmosphere. Each session explores a particular question: Introduction Dinner: Is there more to life than this? Week 1:Who is Jesus? Week 2:Why did Jesus die? Week 3:How can we have faith? Week 4:Why and how do I pray? Week 5:Why and how should I read the Bible? Week 6:How does God guide us? Week 7:How can I resist evil? Week 8:Why & how should we tell others? Week 9:Does God heal today? Week 10:What about the Church? WeekendWho is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit do? How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? How can I make the most of the rest of my life?

Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski BTG – the challenge “Go into the village over there,” he said, “and you will see a donkey tied there, with its colt beside it. Untie them and bring them here. If anyone asks what you are doing, just say, ‘the Lord needs them,’ and he will immediately send them.” Matthew 21:2,3 Seeing a business - the donkey - and its resources set free to be used by Christ for His eternal objectives. He shall tie his donkey to the vine, the foal of his donkey to a choice vine. He washes his clothes in wine because his harvest is so plentiful. Genesis 49:11

Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski ToDo What is your most important ‘take-away’ from the course?

Business Outreach Groups – Session 3 Peter J Briscoe & Timo Plutschinski Action!