Choosing Your Topic You will want to “love” what you’re writing about!
Your Mission: Write a 5-7 page persuasive research paper about an issue or topic that has opposing sides. You are not researching the problem; you are researching the solutions to those problems. A minimum of five sources are required to serve as evidence for your thesis.
Hacker book, pg. 92 Choose a Narrow Question Choose a Challenging Question Choose a Grounded Question
Narrow Questions: Remember, it’s only a 5-7 page paper. Broad What are the effects of school uniforms? Narrow Do school uniforms truly decrease school violence? Do school uniforms effect bullying in high schools?
Narrow Questions: Remember, it’s only a 5-7 page paper. Broad What are the hazards of fad diets? Narrow What are the hazards of low- carbohydrate diets?
You try it this time Broad Topic Cell Phones Narrow topic In question form……… You have one minute to think of two narrowed topics. Now pair/share Now class share
Ask a Challenging Question Don’t be predictable! Predictable/Bland Is child abuse wrong? Is it important for teenagers to exercise? Challenging/Controversial Is spanking a child wrong? How does exercise affect a student’s academic performance?
You try it this time... Bland/Predictable Is steroid use in sports bad? Challenging/Controversial In question form... You have TWO minutes to think of TWO challenging questions. Now pair/share... Now class share...
Choose a Grounded Question Speculative Should prayer be allowed in public schools? Should people have the right to copy professional photographs ? Opinion Based Grounded How does religious diversity effect a school’s social climate? How has easy copying technology changed the professional photography industry? Data Driven
You try it this time... Speculative Is it wrong to share music files on the internet? Grounded In question form... You have ONE minute to think of TWO GROUNDED questions... Now pair/share... Now class share...
You Choose the Better Issue Do SAT scores thoroughly predict college success? OR Should SAT tests be abolished? Should teenagers be allowed to use social networks like Facebook and Twitter? OR How does Facebook and Twitter affect a teen’s ability to communicate and socialize?
You Choose the Better Issue Should schools be required to serve healthy lunches? OR How do healthy school lunches affect student performance? Does technology increase student understanding, learning, and scores? OR Should classrooms provide technology for students to use?
What is your opinion? As you choose a topic, keep an open mind. You don’t have to know much about the topic or have an opinion about it. Your research will help you learn more about your topic and your discoveries will help you form an opinion and write about your solutions to the problem.
What are you interested in? Choose a topic that has a personal interest or connection. Don’t choose a topic because it’s easy to find information about it. Be ready to “dig” for information about something that really interests you.
OFF LIMIT TOPICS!!!! Abortion – Too broad and emotional Animal Cruelty – doesn’t turn out well.
Group Project Meet with a group and present your 3 topics that you came up with for homework. (Your “group” is 3-4 people around you). Your group will give feedback to you and help you determine the best topic. Then, on your homework, write a grounded, narrow, and challenging question. You will present this to the class. (make sure you give me your homework at the end of class – or else no points!). YOU ARE NOT COMMITTED! (take the weekend, think!) Come ready for when we go to the library.