Our Vision is … … to grow a dynamic Christian church serving communities from the South Downs to the Sea
Steve Petch Sunday 8 th March 2015 Grace Filled Church Part 6: Don’t be deceived by appearances Gal 4 v 8 – 31
The Western Worldview: “Seeing is Believing” A Biblical Worldview: “Believing is Seeing” 2 Cor 5v7: “We live by faith, not by sight”
Faith is a gift of God Faith is believing that what God says is true, is true What is faith? 1 Tim 6v12: “Fight the good fight of faith”
Grace: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense Legalism: Following religious rules to try to earn forgiveness or favour from God 1. Grace vs Legalism Is it done in faith, or is it a dead religious work?
How do you react to life’s problems and setbacks? 2. Comfort vs Difficulty John 16v33: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
There is such a thing as ‘truth’ and there is such a thing as ‘error’ 3. God’s Truth vs Satan’s Lies Know your Bible!
God gave Abraham a promise … and God delivered on it in his own timing and in his own way 4. God’s Promises vs Human Effort We must not try to do for ourselves, what God has promised he will do for us!
4. God’s Promises vs Human Effort Heb 6v12: “We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.”
Legalism vs Grace Comfort vs Difficulty God’s Truth vs Satan’s Lies God’s Promises vs Human Effort
Why does God always seem to wait until the last minute to come through for us?
God is not a God of the last minute, he’s a God of resurrection
Will you commit to trust Jesus? In every situation?