Friday Oct 30Monday Nov Data09_cos Data09_calophys Data09_cos Data09_calophys Data09_calophys Some of the last runs ….
Events ending up in the debug stream, go through reprocessing with trigger offline
L2FA can be a crash or a timeout at L2. It can happen at any step, so you can have had FEXes executed - however there is no L2 result usually so we always reprocess the event offline to see anything. It's actually not easy distinguishing if it was a crash or a timeout...
EF has timed out. The action taken then is that the event simply goes to debug stream, and then we reprocess with longer time offline. If the event takes "too" long (>30 mins) offline, then we should abort it offline and see where the timeout was.
These are cases where a PT (EF) crashed
These events are force accepted without processing to accomplish STOP transition before the Run Control timeout expires. when the Run Control is about to go to STOP, doesn't know what to do with the events buffered and just force accepts all of them. So in fact the events in StopTransition are at the end of the run, at a large lumiblock number.
From denis: FEBs kept off until collissions, see bottom right plot.From denis: FEBs kept off until collissions, see bottom right plot.
Rum meeting, 9:30 am Nothing interesting for trigger. We keep with calophys mode and combined run. Today some SCT test. TRT is off for part of the day (problem HV?) Slice meeting, 3:00 pm Asked to ask trigger shifter at desk to write specific slice messages using the Trigger->trigger group->tau message type. Not sure it will be followed (hard for Shifter to guess at times, says Cristobal) Discussion about DQ flags. Sidoti will meet with me and Mansoora Wednesday After the slice meeting, and discuss how DQ flag can be overruled by expert, and also how current histograms suite the auto DQ flag settings. Cristobal wants to have machinery in place, although value of flag will be ignored wrt reprocessing at Tier0 of events. But we should make simple and sensible choice of histos to define DQ flag online. See talk of Mansoora, I think we have an idea. We should also polish our monitoring: more directive, now it is mainly descriptive (Cristobal).
Updated both and Please, next expert shifter, read carefully these two pages before starting your shift. Notify me and Olya if information is wrong/missing/whatever, before changing it Yourself. Updated also Adding now pdf with quick look at online histos, and mantaining list of hot towers appearing at L1