Welcome to RMIT University SHAPE / VTC in partnership with SHAPE / VTC
RMIT University in partnership with SHAPE / VTC are offering Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (Chapter 493) Course Registration Numbers: 211110(Electrical) Clicking on the RMIT University will show the world ranking of RMIT in the field of Engineering. In 2011, RMIT ranks 90 in the world with five QS stars.
The B.Eng program provides part time top-up degree to IVE Higher Diploma graduates* from the Electrical Engineering Program, or equivalent programs *Pass with an average grade of C+ Working Experience is preferable - Electronic Engineering is classified as one of equivalent programs
The BEng program is equivalent to the 3rd and 4th years of an RMIT University Degree Program in Australia = Course in HK Course in Australia = Module in HK
Total 192 credit points (24 credit points/semester x 8 semesters/program) Normally, each module carries 12 credit points and there are 3 semesters per year.
BEng (Electrical Engineering) Engineering Design 3A Engineering Design 4A Engineering Design 3B Engineering Design 4B Power Electronic Converters Electrical Plant Switched Mode Power Supplies Electrical Energy Conversion Industrial Automation Power Systems Analysis & Control Control Systems Advanced Power Systems Advanced Control Systems Protection and High Voltage Engineering Variable Speed Drives Efficient Energy Systems The curriculum consists of 4 design project-based courses (in red), electronic control courses (in yellow) and electrical power (in green) *More technical electives will be on offer
Normally, each course (12 credit points) consists of 24 hours of lectures/ tutorial + 9 hours pre- exam workshop + 12 hours lab work
Timetable (For Reference Only) Almost classes are held in weekday evenings
Method of Delivery Distance learning mode with access to a complete range of learning support materials from RMIT (course learning guide, laboratory manuals with reference materials and online access are available for each course) Laboratory work and tutorial support on site at VTC Each semester consists of 14-15 weeks with 2 courses (12 credit points each) in each semester
Tuition fee is HK$9,650 per course (12 credit points) HK$9,187.5 x 16 = HK$154,400 per program
Recognition The program is accredited by the Engineers Australia (the former I.E.Aust. ) The program is accredited by the HKIE Clicking on the two links to show the recognition status
Articulation 25 replies from our 45 graduates MSc in EE, PolyU 9 MSc in EEE, HKU 2 MSc in Eng Management, CityU 1
Application forms can be obtained from: SHAPE Office, Institute of Vocational Education, (Tsing Yi campus) Download from the VTC IVE(Tsing Yi) Website: http://www.shape.edu.hk
Further Enquires: Visit the SHAPE website: http://www.shape.edu.hk Contact -Ms. Twinky Leung (General Enquiries) Tel: 2436 8375 Email: twinkyl@vtc.edu.hk -Dr. LAM T S RMIT BEng(EE) Program Coordinator Tel: 2436 8653 Email: tslam@vtc.edu.hk
Reminder Deadline of the application: 30-June-2012 Complete the application form with a cheque of HK$200 payable to “Vocational Training Council” (non-refundable application fee) to Room C488d School of Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE) Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi) 20 Tsing Yi Road Tsing Yi, NT
FAQ Admission Requirement: A: “Average Grade of C+” “Working Experience is preferable”. Other further academic qualification: A: case by case, decision made by RMIT University. English Language requirement: A: IVE HD holders meet the English Language standard, or the HD program was taught by English.
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