Diversity SP’09 “Get to Know MSJC Students from the Perspective of the Facts and the Stats” Key Focus Areas: Diversity Key Focus Areas: Diversity MSJC – R&P Dept. – XCHASX 3.3.9
MSJC - Student Ethnicity Relative to Riverside County & CCC Statewide – AY2006-’07 Source: CCCCO-Data Mart 8/8/8 MSJC & CCC Statewide AY2006-’07 / *U.S. Census Bureau - Riverside Co. and CA est.; MSJC R&P Dept. XCJH MSJC is underrepresented in share of Hispanics relative to Riverside Co. and slightly below CCC Statewide average
MSJC - Student Ethnicity By Academic Year The Hispanic population on MSJC has increased significantly (approximately 6 percentage points) in the past five years from 24% to 28.9% for the academic year ending The Asian/Filipino population increased approximately 3 pts. to 6.9% Black population has increased 2 pts. To 7.2% The Hispanic population on MSJC has increased significantly (approximately 6 percentage points) in the past five years from 24% to 28.9% for the academic year ending The Asian/Filipino population increased approximately 3 pts. to 6.9% Black population has increased 2 pts. To 7.2% SP Demo-1 Source: CCCCO-Data Mart 3/21/08
College % Diversity EmployeesStudent Body Mt. SAC44%81% San Bernardino43%71% Long Beach38%69% Chaffey37%66% COD28%67% RCC35%59% Statewide33%56% MSJC31%47% Palomar24%42% MiraCosta24%41% Selected CCC - Diversity * Employee (FA’07) vs. Student Body (AY 2007-’08) Selected CCC - Diversity * Employee (FA’07) vs. Student Body (AY 2007-’08) *Excludes White & unknown - CCCCMIS Data Element Dictionary Source: CCCCO DataMart - Fall 2007, August 05, 2008 & AY 2007-’08 MSJCD R&P Dept. XCJH9.23.8
MSJCD Ethnic Growth Chg. In Past 5 yr Period Ethnicity Headcount AY 02-’03AY 07-’08Chg.Share of growth White 10,87410, % Unknown 1,7891, % Native American % Pacific Islander % Other non-white % Asian % Filipino % Black 1,0291, % 83% Hispanic 4,7846,6151,831 62% Total19,94722,8942,947100%
College % Diversity EmployeesStudent Body Mt. SAC44%81% San Bernardino43%71% Long Beach38%69% Chaffey37%66% RCC35%59% Statewide33%56% MSJC31%47% COD28%67% Palomar24%42% MiraCosta24%41% Selected CCC - Diversity * Employee (FA’07) vs. Student Body (AY 2007-’08) *Excludes White & unknown - CCCCMIS Data Element Dictionary Source: CCCCO DataMart - Fall 2007, August 05, 2008 & AY 2007-’08 MSJCD R&P Dept. XCJH9.23.8
CollegeFull-Time Faculty Part-Time Faculty Classified Staff Admin.Total# Diversity/Total Mt. SAC31%39%60%37%44%836/1917 San Bernardino35% 58%46%43%511/1191 Long Beach32%30%53%43%38%605/1589 Chaffey30%33%53%47%37%416/1129 RCC32%28%49%38%35%711/2053 Statewide28%25%48%33% MSJC24%26%41%35%31%324/1059 COD17%21%44%25%28%197/715 Palomar19%21%34%37%24%417/1705 MiraCosta26%16%36%21%24%183/768 Selected CCC - Employee Diversity * Fall 2007 *Excludes White & unknown - CCCCMIS Data Element Dictionary Source: CCCCO DataMart - Fall 2007, August 05, 2008 MSJCD R&P Dept. XCJH9.23.8