Safe roads, Reliable journeys, Informed travellers M1 Junctions High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane Presentation for PCM International Scanning Tour 15 th June 2006
Format of talk - History of scheme to date - Project organisation - Proposed scheme features - Problem areas Empty lane fears Eligible vehicles Variable signing issues Layout issues Enforcement Operational issues
Scheme location plan
Already proposing to widen M1 from dual 3 lane to dual 4 lane standard 160,000 vpd now Rising to over 200,000 vpd by 2023 M1 is key part of motorway network Introduction of HOV lane would be a very late scheme change Only 3 HOV schemes on local roads in UK Background
July 04 Secretary of State requests HOV feasibility study from Highways Agency (HA) Nov 04 Initial HOV Feasibility Study report Dec 04 M1 HOV pilot announced by Secretary of State Mar 05 M1 motorway widening contract awarded Mar 06 Start of works on M1 widening J6A to 10 Scheme history
Jul 05 Scheme Brief for HOV lane issued by Dept for Transport (for a low-tech solution) Summer 05 to May 06 HOV “Before Monitoring” traffic surveys May 06 Draft Preliminary Designs and VISSIM micro-simulation completed (revisions ongoing) Scheme history
Jun 06 Ministerial Submission summarising design proposals Jul 06(?) Secretary of State approval to complete HOV design and start construction Jan 08 (earliest) to Dec 08 (latest) Staged opening of M1 HOV Lane?? Future programme
Project organisation 5 key strands Before & after monitoring Operational strategy Enforcement strategy Marketing & publicity Scheme design and safety case
Layout and Operation Length: Approx. 11km (7 miles) between J7 and J10 Lane 4 – Solid white line separation and 2+ lane marking Non-segregated - Access and Egress at any point Overhead gantry signing – variable signs (rotational prisms?) 24/7 operation of lanes Eligible Vehicles Eligible: 2+cars, motorcycles, (and buses ? ) Excluded: HGVs, Single Occupancy Taxis, Towing Vehicles Design Features
Traffic Flow Summary, represents only a small proportion of all vehicles in the AM and PM peak periods (typically 8% to 15% of all traffic). 2+ vehicle demand is close to the 500 vehicle minimum HOV lane threshold (476 vehicles J10-J9) in Higher number of 2+ vehicles in the Inter Peak and especially at weekends. HGVs represent between 14% and 29% of all traffic on weekdays. Current Traffic Flows
Microsimulation Traffic Forecasts, 2008 & 2023 Forecast HOV Usage (2+ vehicles choosing to use the 2+lane) 2008 AM Peak: vehs 2008 PM Peak: vehs Represents 60% of all eligible vehicles at best, but could be as low as 25%) By 2023: vehs (Represents 55%-70% of all eligible traffic) Non-eligible vehicles and HOVs choosing not to use can be accommodated in adjacent 3-lanes (max. V/C ratio 0.91). Forecast HOV usage
Eligible vehicles
Signing Rotational Prisms Signing
2+ Lane Arrangement First advance sign for (Lane 4) 2+ lane Northbound >> << Southbound
2+ Lane Arrangement Second advance sign with countdown Northbound >> << Southbound
2+ Lane Arrangement Start of 2+ lane Northbound >> << Southbound
2+ Lane Arrangement Advance sign for End of 2+ lane Northbound >> << Southbound
2+ Lane Arrangement End of 2+ lane Northbound >> << Southbound
2+ Lane Arrangement Lane 4 merges with Lane 3. Lanes 1 and 2 continue ahead. Northbound >> << Southbound
Enforcement A police function, but:- Not a high priority issue Resource intensive Safety concerns over stopping offenders on high speed roads Payment for police time is contentious
Enforcement Automatic enforcement Camera technology not proven Penalties Current regulations do not suit HOV New legislation needed to change level of fines (£30/£60) Are penalty points appropriate for non safety related offence
Compliance Likely solution for M1 trial:- Occasional Police campaigns Some Police patrols Regular Traffic Officer patrols Observation platforms High visibility camera trial Warning letters
Scenario 1: Lane 1 closed, 2+ lane opened to all traffic Operational Issues
50 Accident Slow down 2+ lane sign alerts of end of designation Scenario 1: Lane 1 closed, 2+ lane opened to all traffic Operational Issues
50 Accident Slow down Lane 1 traffic instructed to change lanes. 2+ lane ends. Scenario 1: Lane 1 closed 2+ lane opened to all traffic Operational Issues
40 Accident Slow down Lane 1 Closed. 2+ lane open to all traffic. Scenario 1: Lane 1 closed 2+ lane opened to all traffic Operational Issues
6050 Congestion Operational Issues Issue 1: Should variable speed limits be applied?
Operational Issues Issue 2: Should slow moving HGVs (and Buses) be banned from lane 3?
Safe roads, Reliable journeys, Informed travellers Any questions??