Nouns are… A person A place A thing An idea
PEOPLE Students family family friends friends teacher teacher Girl Girl athlete athlete brother brother judge judge
PLACES Home house house space space school school city city neighborhood neighborhood county county east east
THINGS shoe shoe cough cough oxygen oxygen pencil pencil book book flower flower
IDEAS happiness Love truth skill success fear
Noun or not? small NOT
Noun or Not? ocean NOUN
Noun or Not? George Washington NOUN
Noun or Not? school NOUN
Noun or Not? abruptly NOT
Noun or Not? and NOT
Noun or Not? laughter NOUN
Common Nouns ANY person, place, thing, or ideas
Proper Nouns Specific person, place, thing, or idea ALWAYS capitalize If more than ONE word- Capitalize 1 st word AND all other important words
Common and Proper COMMONPROPER Peopleactor singer Athlete Placesbuilding city river Thingsbook movie song Change each common noun in each category to a proper noun.
Common or Proper? U.S. Congress Proper
Common or Proper? President Obama Proper
Common or Proper? president Common
Common or Proper? France Proper
Common or Proper? Dr. Lee Proper
Common or Proper? Doctor Common
Common or Proper? Kenston Middle School Proper
Singular vs. Plural SINGULARPLURAL Names ONE person, place, thing or idea Names more than ONE You add –s to most plural nouns Example: students, photos, sports
Unusual Plural Endings busbuses (es) boxboxes (es) citycities (ies) potatoPotatoes (es) Lifelives (ves)
Collective Noun Names a group of people or things Plural Each member of the group acts seperately Singular All members of groups act as single unit EXAMPLE: The team shares the field with its opponent. Singular The team share their jokes with each other. Plural Examples players team student class Fish school Teachers staff