Driver Education Random Test Information
Insurance Every vehicle in NJ must carry LIABILITY INSURANCE!
Signs Diamond shaped sign Warning Sign 8 sided sign Stop sign Triangular shaped sign Yeild sign
Railroad Crossing Sign
Stolen License A lost or stolen driver license or non-driver identification card should be reported to the police.
Driving at Night While driving at night make sure that you can stop in the distance that you can see in front of you.
Skids Take foot off the gas pedal Turn the wheel in the direction that the back of your car is skidding.
Tire Blowout Take foot off the gas pedal Grip the wheel firmly Slow down gradually Coast to a stop Exit the roadway when safe.
Studded Snow Tires November 15 th to April 1 st
Habitual Offender A habitual offender is a motorist whose driver license has been suspended three times in three years.
Parking on a hill When parking down hill with the curb on your right you should: Turn your wheels towards the curb When parking up hill with a curb on your right you should: Turn your wheels away from the curb
Probation When your license is returned to you after suspension from points you will be on probation for 1 year.
Fake ID Altering a drivers license can result in: $1,000 fine 6 month in prison Loss or driving privilege
Inspection When you move to NJ from another state, you must have your vehicle inspected with 14 days after registering it.
Your in trouble! If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident resulting in injuries while your driving privileges are suspended, you are subject to: Fine Suspension of driving privileges Mandatory jail sentence