Is the following noun abstract or concrete? Happiness Abstract
Is the following noun collective or compound? Nail polish Compound
Is the following noun abstract or concrete? Computer Concrete
Is the following noun common or proper? John Adams Proper
What is the possessive form of the noun below? The pencil belonging to Mark Mark’s pencil
Please give me a sentence using two proper nouns and one compound noun. Frank and Edward stopped at the gas station on the way home.
Is the following noun common or proper? Sofa Common
What is the possessive form of the following noun? The homework belonging to more than one class The classes’ homework
Please identify the abstract nouns in the following sentences? Every person has the right to purse freedom, happiness and equality. Abstract Nouns: freedom, happiness and equality
Is the following noun collective or compound? Country Collective
Please give a sentence with one abstract noun and two common nouns. The boys on the team had great hope that they would win the championship.
Using the following sentence, please compose a new one with proper nouns. My sister is going to visit the city during that month. Example: Sandra is going to visit Paris during August.
Is the following noun common or proper? Queen Elizabeth Proper
Is the following noun collective or compound? Committee Collective
Using the following sentence, please compose a new one with proper nouns. The amusement park will be open during that holiday; you should take your cousin. Example: Disneyland will be open during Christmas; you should take Jason.
What is the possessive form of the following noun? The children of Mr. and Mrs. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Williams’ children
Please give me a sentence with two compound nouns and one abstract noun. Example: The post office and the shoe store are happy to announce that they are extending their hours of operation.
Please identify the abstract and collective nouns in the following sentence. The football team at the local high school expressed sorrow and remorse at the loss of their first game. Abstract nouns: sorrow and remorse Collective Nouns: football team and high school
Using the following sentence, please compose a new one with proper nouns. My aunt and my cousin are going to that mall on that day because that store is having a sale on dresses. Example: Aunt Louise and Emily are going to the Manhattan Beach Mall because Macy’s is having a sale on dresses.
Is the following noun abstract or concrete? shoelace concrete
Using the following sentence, please compose a new one with proper nouns. That high school is taking the day off for that holiday during this month. Wilson High School is taking Memorial Day off during May.
Is the following noun collective or compound? Club collective
Please give me a sentence using two concrete nouns and one abstract noun. Example: Paul felt happiness at winning both the basketball tournament and the essay contest.