IN-SERVICE TOPICS FOR FALL 2013 Where we’ve been; where we are; where we’re going... Technology, technology, and more technology... Edgenuity digital curriculum training K-5 Tech Devices Hands-on time with tech tools, sites, and apps
BUT, WAIT! THERE’S MORE! Alaska’s New Standards Assessments, assessments, & more assessments... ASPI (Alaska School Performance Index) Accountability Smarter Balanced Consortium Teacher Evaluation Regulations Mandatory Trainings...and MORE!
TODAY’S AGENDA: 21 st Century Learning: The Changing Landscape Alaska’s New Standards & Assessments New Educator Evaluation Regulations Reminders: Tech tools, sites, and apps K-5 Teachers: Technology Tools Integration Workshop 6-12 Teachers: Edgenuity digital curriculum training
Steve Cunningham Kenny Lake School K-12 Special Education HS Govt/Econ WELCOME TO THE TEAM!
Molli Webb Slana School Student Teacher WELCOME TO THE TEAM!
Congratulations, Rylee & Keen Ownbey!
Mr. Daly Mrs. Daly
ALASKA’S NEW STANDARDS & ASSESSMENTS The facts: Adopted in June 2012 Not the Common Core, but “significantly similar” to the Common Core Old GLEs were grades 3-10; new standards are K-12 Old GLEs were “skill specific;” new standards focus on breadth and depth of content knowledge Old assessments were in grades 3-10; new assessments are grades 3-11 Old assessments were “fixed form;” new assessments are computer-adaptive Old testing window was 3 days; new assessment window is 3-4 weeks Assessment of new standards will begin in Spring 2015 PILOT of new assessment will occur in Spring 2014
ALASKA’S NEW STANDARDS & ASSESSMENTS Smarter Balanced Consortium: 25 states; AK is “advisory member” Practice Tests available now Scroll down page to “Explore the Smarter Balanced Practice Tests” link
TIME TO TALK: Related to the Common Core / AK’s new standards: What is your comfort level with the standards? How prepared are your students to demonstrate mastery on the new standards in the spring of 2015? Related to the new computer-based assessments through Smarter Balanced: What do you like/appreciate about the assessments you sampled? What do you dislike/what concerns you about the assessments you sampled? What skills will our students need--that they might not currently have—to confidently and comfortably participate in online assessment events? What professional development/support do you need to prepare your students for online testing events? Access the Google Form for your note-taking: CRSD Employee Portal -> Inservice Resources
NEW EDUCATOR EVALUATION REGULATIONS The Facts: New regulations adopted in 2012 Districts, in cooperation with educators, will select appropriate measures and set targets for student growth at the beginning of each school year or instructional period. Beginning in the 2015 ‐ 2016 school year, teachers and administrators will be evaluated using student learning data. Evaluation should identify educators’ strengths and weaknesses, and provide a guide to improve instruction and to grow professionally. Beginning in the 2015 ‐ 2016 school year, Alaska’s teachers and administrators will be held accountable for their students’ growth. This qualitative data will provide a more complete picture of an educator’s efficacy.
EDUCATOR ACCOUNTABILITY: Districts, in cooperation with educators, will select appropriate measures and set targets for student growth at the beginning of each school year or instructional period. At the end of the year or instructional period, the degree to which an educator’s students have reached their targets will be factored into the teacher’s and administrator’s evaluations. Assign one of four performance levels ‐ exemplary, proficient, basic, or unsatisfactory ‐ to each standard. Assign an overall rating, for the purpose of state reporting, that uses the same four performance levels.
STUDENT LEARNING DATA Student learning data is defined as an objective, empirical, valid measurement of a student’s growth in knowledge, understanding, or skill in a subject area. The growth must have occurred during the time the student was taught the subject by a teacher. The measurement or assessment must be: Based on verifiable data or information that has been recorded or preserved; Able to be repeated with the same expected results, and; Independent of the point of view or interpretation of the person giving the assessment. Statewide assessments will be used as one of the measures of student learning, when appropriate statewide assessments are available. Districts, administrators, and teachers will identify existing assessments or develop appropriate measures for “non ‐ tested” or “non ‐ assessed” subjects. All courses being offered should have goals of achievement for students to attain. Districts must work with educators to set growth targets for students in all subjects, including “non ‐ tested” or “non ‐ assessed” areas.
THE ROLE OF STUDENT LEARNING DATA: In the 2015 ‐ 2016 and 2016 ‐ 2017 school years, 20% of a teacher and administrator’s evaluation will be tied to student learning. During the 2017 ‐ 2018 school year, it will be 35% In 2018 ‐ 2019 school year, it will top out at 50%
TIME TO TALK: Positive aspects of the new educator accountability system? Aspects of the system that scare the daylights out of you? What professional development and/or support do you need to prepare for the new accountability system? What are some possible assessments /performance tasks applicable to your grade level and content area. Access the Google Form for your note-taking: CRSD Employee Portal -> Inservice Resources
TECH RESOURCES AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Discovery Education NWEA MAP : Knowledge Network PowerSource (PowerSchool Tutorials) Atomic Learning Standard Deviants (instructional resources) CareerCruising & Method Test Prep Weebly Shared docs with lists of resources (websites, apps, and online tools)
TIME FOR A BREAK! Lunch provided by Glennallen School Wrestling If your team or student group would like to raise funds by catering an in- service meal, tell Tammy! Resume at 12:45! K-5 teachers meet in Alisa Rice’s classroom 6-12 teachers meet in computer lab Adjourn when afternoon sessions are complete – around 4:00 p.m. Monday in-service: All faculty and staff Glennallen School MPR ASPI and Accountability, mandatory trainings, continuation of tech trainings Lunch provided! Bring your laptop