KEY POINT(S) To note the following : Positive and Negative effects of GM food crops Assess the effectiveness of food development to overcome problems of starvation and malnutrition Unit 13: Developments in Food Production- Genetically Modified Food
3. Future Food Supplies : Genetically Modified (GM) Food Crops Food from plants that have been genetically altered to create desired qualities. These qualities include improved resistance to diseases and tolerance to herbicides or extreme weather, longer storage qualities, improved nutritional value and taste, faster growth rate.
3. Future Food Supplies : Genetically Modified (GM) Food Crops Done by inserting genes from a foreign source, such as other plants or animals, into a plant. Egs, tomatoes, potatoes, corn and soya beans
3.1 Benefits of GM Food Crops Increases income for farmers –According to statistics, 40% of food crop is destroyed by pests, low rainfall and other problems every year, resulting in a loss of income for farmers. –Through the use of GM crops. Eg, corn, where a bacterium known as Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) which is a natural pesticide is inserted, farmers suffer less damage from insects like locusts and are able to enjoy higher crop yields and income. –Some crops have been engineered to stay fresh longer so that exports can be made to earn more money.
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
3.1 Benefits of GM Food Crops Increases food supply –As crops can now grow faster, there is an increase in food supply. –This increase in food supply brings a decline to the food prices, making food more affordable in LDCs. –The additional income earned from the increased output also leads to regional development (eg. building of basic facilities like sanitation and transportation.)
3.1 Benefits of GM Food Crops Improves nutritional value of food –Some crops have been engineered to have higher nutritional value –Eg. Golden Rice has been enriched with beta-carotene to supplement the lack of Vitamin A in rice diets in LDCs. –Eg. Super Rice has been enriched with iron.
3.1 Benefits of GM Food Crops Reduces environmental pollution –Crops can be engineered to reduce reliance on chemicals like pesticides which are harmful to the environment.
3.2 Threats of GM Food Crops The long term effects of consuming GM food is not known as limited research has been done. As GM food is not labelled, consumers are unable to make informed decisions. Eg Transplanted genes may cause allergic reactions in some people
3.2 Threats of GM Food Crops The fear that Earth’s food production, development and distribution are falling into the hands of MNCs where they may gain control of the food supply. Eg. GM seeds are designed to be sterile such that farmers need to purchase new GM seeds from the MNCs for the next harvest. The growth of superweeds may result as the traits are being passed on to normal weeds. New pests, resistant to genetic implants to control them may develop.This may affects the biodiversity of the regions nearby.
3.2 Threats of GM Food Crops Loss of biodiversity as some GM plants are killing other insects with their new traits. Loss of natural species as gene pollution takes place, an irreversible process. Identity crisis of GM rice
3.3 Alternatives to GM Food Making better use of existing food varieties in places not yet fully utilised eg. Africa Using more chemical and organic fertilizers to give higher yields. Educating farmers on the proper use of water and fertilizers to reduce salinity, water-logging conditions. Providing farmers living near deserts additional help to ensure that the lands will become productive in future. Ensuring that food supplies within countries are more equitably distributed.
3.4 Future Challenges Small scale farmers will lose out to agri- businesses which produce, process, distribute and sell farm products in large quantities. Poor farmers will be affected by the drop in prices of farm products as agri- businesses can produce a lot more output.
3.4 Future Challenges Even in LDCs, many food crops are produced to be exported to DCs who can offer a higher price for the products. More improvements in technology are required. Eg. Storage, preservation and vacuum packaging of food and better transport networks