Describe/Explain Global Stratification
The system in which groups of people are divided into layers according to their relative power, property, and prestige. It’s a way of ranking large groups of people in a hierarchy that shows their relative privileges.
Slavery- whose essential characteristic is ownership of some people by others. Example- Whites owning slaves during the Civil War Caste- Status is determined by birth and is lifelong. Example- Someone born into the lower class will have low status no matter how much he/she accomplishes.
Estate- Consisted of three different groups, or estates. First Second Third
Class- The class system is based primarily on money or material possessions. Social Mobility
Max Weber Property- is significant in determining a person’s standing in society Prestige- the wealthy in general Power- the ability to control others In short, social class was based on a combination of property, power, and prestige.
Karl Marx Means of Production- the tools, factories, land, and investment capital used to produce wealth. Bourgeoisie Proletariat In short, people’s relationship to the means of production determined their social class.
Society must ensure certain positions are filled. Positions are more important than others. More important positions= more qualified individuals. Greater rewards= greater motivation.
How do you measure importance? Based on meritocracy. Dysfunctional stratification.
Stratification based on power: -Organization is key to society’s existence. -Leaders and followers. -People are self-centered by nature.
Conflict makes stratification. All ruling groups develop an ideology to justify their top position.
Ideology Versus Force. Divine Right of Kings. -Nobility and clergy used this to great advantage.
Controlling Information: -Dictatorships -Democracies Technology Social Networks
First World Second World Third World All transformed
Colonialism is the process by which one country takes over another, usually for the purpose of exploiting its labor and national resources World System is economic and political connections that tie the world’s countries together
Dependency Theory is the view that least industrialized nations have been unable to develop their economies because they grew dependent on the most industrialized nations Culture of Poverty a culture that perpetuates poverty from one generation to the next
Neocolonialism Multinational Corporations Technology and Global Domination
Is social stratification beneficial or detrimental to a society? -Beneficial, because even though people deny the fact that they wish to be in a controlled environment, it helps that we are contained by social classes. How is social stratification evident in the United States? -The rich control most of the power and prestige making them the ruling class in America.
Baron, James. "Social Stratification." Organizational Perspectives on Stratification. 28 May May Henslin, James. A Down-to-Earth-Approach. 5. Massachusetts: APearson Education, Print. Lounsbury, Larry. "Global Stratification." Recent Articles by Larry Lounsbury. 23 April May Wood, Robert. "Social Stratificiation." Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Campus at Camden. May May 2009.