The Church of Christ Presented by Medha Mathur and Emaline Lim
What is the Church of Christ? Also known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or the Mormon Church Based around the teachings of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon Smith was considered a prophet
They believe in the life of the spirit before and after death. Believe that’s God eternal plan was determined before the spirit transcended onto earth and the ‘plan’ continues on to the afterlife.
The Beliefs of the Church Expressed in 13 articles of faith declared by Joseph Smith Believe the trinity is not made up of one God acting in three different roles but rather, as three separate beings who share a common purpose. They believe that God is the heavenly father and has an interpersonal relationship with humans however, they perceive God as having a physical entity which is perfect.
Common belief about Jesus (he is the son of God, the saviour, born of virgin Mary etc.) HOWEVER THEY BELIEVE JESUS WAS NOT GOD HIMSELF. THEY PERCEIEVE JESUS AS A SPIRIT CREATED BY GOD. THEY BELIEVED JESUS AND THE SATAN CONTENDED TO BE BORN INTO THE SAVIORS’ BODY. THE CONTEST WAS WON BY JESUS HENCE THE REASON HE WAS BORN AS A MAN. They believe the holy spirit is a spirit (as opposed to God and Jesus who have physical bodies) allowing it to dwell inside the body of humans. As with other Christian denominations, they believe that the holy spirits’ role is to “guide and teach, testify to God, and comfort and sanctify human souls”
Finally, Mormons belief that salvation is achieved through “…believing in God and Jesus, doing good…developing moral character, repenting of sins and attaining forgiveness through the Atonement of Christ, being baptized and participating in other Mormon ordinances and spreading the Mormon faith…” *Ordinances are the Mormon equivalent of sacraments
Church Organisation Do not baptise infants All male 12 yrs of age are admitted into priesthood. They are expected to preach and participate in administrative activities. Clergy or priest are not paid and women not accepted into priesthood Hierarchical and centralised Each member should give 1/10 of his earnings to the church
First Presidency (president + two counselors) Divided geographically into stakes (made up of members) Stakes divided into wards (governed by bishop + made up of members)
They perceive celibacy as unnatural They believe it is important to keep having children in order to “provide earthly life to the souls waiting in heaven” Believe that married couples are reunited after death. Marriage to a good Mormon is the only way a woman can have a change entering the “highest heaven” They believe there are three levels of heaven- “Telestial - where unbelievers go Terrestrial - for religious people who aren't Mormons and for Mormons who have not met the requirements Celestial - for Mormons who have kept ALL of the laws and ordinances of their church”
They have a service which is called the ‘sacrament service’ which lasts for 90 mins. Opening prayer, hymns are sung, talks given by members, closing prayer The speaker is assigned by local church leader or bishop a couple of weeks in advance Children attend Sunday schools and teenagers attend RE classes Celebrate the Eucharist. Only worthy baptized members of the Church are allowed to take the sacrament.
Ordinances Saving Performed only once Baptism, confirmation Non- saving Performed many times Sacrament service
Saving ordinances are considered a necessity for salvation; however the sacrament alone does not guarantee it. The ordinance is believed to have an effect only if the individual honours it and physically perform it. If an individual fails to honour the ordinance, the blessing associated with it is lost, however it can be restored through truthful repentance.