An Age of Expansionism Kelly Khoury
Texas becoming independent March 2, 1836 Sam Houston=first president of it
Mormonism Joseph Smith Book of Mormon Largest religious sect created in America
Polk election Polk won election of 1845 Preceding President Tyler (became president because of Harrison’s death) used annexation of Texas as his gateway to win, but failed Polk wanted Texas to be annexed and wanted Oregon
Problems with Oregon President Polk negotiated with Britain Oregon was split on the 49 th parallel; treaty was approved in1846
Mexican-American War John Slidell=special delegate sent to sort problems out; did not work Causes: border, Texas Ended when Mexico City was conquered in847 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: Rio Grande became border, US bought New Mexico and California for $15 million
Railroads Hard time in the beginning because of high costs and investments in canals Gained popularity as mileage and track conditions improved Led to iron industry emerging
Industrial Revolution New inventions like sewing machine, clocks, firearms, better farming supplies…