SCI (SPICA coronagraph instrument) Keigo Enya & SCI team
Outline A mid-IR coronagraph instrument with both imaging and low-resolution spectroscopic capability at microns Scientific Objectives - Targets& Required Specifications Concept Study, Current Status Resource Requirements Development and Test Plan Observing Program
Scientific Objectives/Targets & Required Specifications
Scientific Targets Direct Detection and Characterization of Jovian Exoplanets by - Coronagraphic imaging - Coronagraphic spectroscopy - Monitoring of planetary transit
Consistency with MRD Description in MDR Objective #1: Direct Detection and Characterization of Exoplanets To understand the diversity of the exo-planetary systems, we will attempt direct detection and characterization of exoplanets in the infrared wavelengths. Complement al two methods, coronagraphic observation and planetary transit monitoring, are described as key observations. Therefore very consistent
Specification of Instrument Parameter Specification Core wavelength (λ) 3.5−27 micron Observation mode w/wo Coronagraph, Imaging/ Spectroscopy Coronagraphic mode binary shaped pupil mask Inner working angle (IWA) ~3.3×λ/D Outer working angle (OWA) 16×λ/D Throughput ~20% Contrast 10 ( ~10 -7 after subtraction) Detector 1k×1k Si:As, InSb array Field of View ~1’ x 1’ Spectral resolution ~20 and ~200 Filter Band pass filters Disperser for spectroscopy transmissive devices (e.g. grism) in filter whele Active optics cryogenic DM and TTM
Concept Study Current Status
Optics & Optical Elements (1) Overview Beamsplitter
Optics & Optical Elements (2) Coronagraph mask (Binary shaped pupil mask) Laboratory demonstrated with visible light Pupil mask PSF Pupil shape design PSF (simulation) Coronagrahic direction Non-corona grahic direction Discovery angle Dark region
Optics & Optical Elements (3) Active optics - Deformable mirror - Tip-tilt mirror Other devices - Mirrors (Collimetion/Focusing) - Beamsplitter (Short/Long channel) - Disperser (Grism, Prism, etc.) - Science filters
Detectors Commercailly available detectors will be used. Detector format num. usage InSb 1k x 1k (2k x 2k is OK) 1 science short channel InSb 1k x 1k (2k x 2k is OK) 1 tip-tilt sensor Si:As 1k x 1k (2k x 2k is OK) 1 science long channel
Volume & Structure Volume & structure: see below Weight: 30 kg (including 20% margin)
Thermal Design Cooled by only 4.5K stage Heat load: to be updated - last report - Design to reduce heat load is ongoing. - Film Print Cable for DM control (parastic heat) - New tip-tilt mirror design (heat generation)
Expected Performance Parameter Specification Core wavelength (λ) 3.5−27 micron Observation mode w/wo Coronagraph, Imaging/ Spectroscopy Coronagraphic mode binary shaped pupil mask Inner working angle (IWA) ~3.3×λ/D Outer working angle (OWA) 16×λ/D Throughput ~20% Contrast 10 ( ~10 -7 after subtraction) Detector 1k×1k Si:As, InSb array Field of View ~1’ x 1’ Spectral resolution ~20 and ~200 Filter Band pass filters Disperser for spectroscopy transmissive devices (e.g. grism) in filter whele Active optics cryogenic DM and TTM
Resource Requirements
Field-of-View Requirement Area: 1’ x 1’ (TBC) Location: center of FOV
Thermal & Cryogenic Requirement Cooled by only 4.5K stage Heat load: to be updated - last report - Design to reduce heat load is ongoing. - Film Print Cable for DM control (parastic heat) - New tip-tilt mirror design (heat generation)
Pointing / Attitude control Requirement RequirementsPerformance Pointing control accuracy 0.03 [arcsec](3σ) Pointing stability0.03 [arcsec](0-P)/20min Both pointing accuracy and stability are determined By 1/10 x 5um To be realized with a internal tip-tilt mirror
Structural Requirement Volume & structure: see below Weight: 30 kg (including 20% margin)
Data Generation Rate & Data Handling Requirement TBD Roughly ~ half of 1 channel of MIRACLE
Warm Electronics Function component - Array driver - Deformable mirror driver - Tip-tilt mirror driver - Mask changer Weight: 25kg including 20% margin Volume: 400 x 500 x 200 [mm^3]
Operation & Observing Mode Coronagrahic - Imaging - Spectroscopy Non-coronagraphic (including monitor obs.) - Imaging - Spectroscopy
Development and Test Plan
Key Technical Issues & TRL Cryogenic tip-tilt mirror - Design and test are ongoing. Cryogenic deformable mirror - Demonstrated with a proto-device Coronagraphic optics - Demonstrated with visible light
Development Plan Cryogenic tip-tilt mirror - Design and test are ongoing. Cryogenic deformable mirror - Demonstrated with a proto-device - Demo. of 1K ch. is in preparation. - Development of film print cable in ongoing (to reduce parasitic heat) Coronagraphic optics - High contrast demonstrated with visible light - MIR demonstration in a cryo-chamber is in preparation.
Test & Verification Plan TBD Roughly similar to MIRACLE + DM operation + TTM operation
Development Cost TBD Roughly (1 channel of MIRACLE) – (detectors) + TTM + DM
Observing Program
Observation Plan to perform Science Targets Coronagraphic imaging - the direct detection - Coronagraphic spectroscopy Non-coronagrapic monitor - Planetary transit
Outline of Ground Data Processing Normal date reduction for MIR observation.
Organization & Structure for Development Scientists and engineers in JAXA, community of astronomy. Finding and Involving engineers in companies. K. Enya, T. Kotan, T. Nakagawa, H. Kataza, T. Wada(ISAS/JAXA), K. Haze (SOUKENDAI, ISAS/JAXA), S. Higuchi (Univ. of Tokyo, ISAS/JAXA), T. Miyata, S. Sako, T. Nakamura (IoA/Univ. Tokyo), M. Tamura, J. Nishikawa, T. Yamashita,N. Narita, H. Hayano (NAOJ), Y. Itoh (Kobe Univ.), T. Matsuo(JPL), M. Fukagawa, H. Shibai (Osaka Univ.), M. Honda (Kanagawa Univ.), N. Baba, N. Murakami(Hokkaido Univ.), L. Abe (Nice Univ), O. Guyon (NAOJ/SUBARU) T. Yamamuro (Optcraft), P. Bierden (BMC), SPICA coroangarph team To be updated
Summary We are developing SPICA Coronagraph Instrument (SCI) Main targets of SCI is detection and characterization of exo-planets. It’s consistent with MDR. Current design of SCI is presented. R&Ds of key technology is successfully done or ongoing including cryo-TTM and DM. SCI team is consisting of many scientists and engineers in JAXA, community of astronomy, companies.