Title: Agricultural Bioterrorism Author: Radford G. Davis Article URL: Author Credibility: Assistant Professor of Public Health at Iowa State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine
Key Points about Bioterrorism Agricultural Bioterrorism or agroterrorism presents a huge threat to the US, and other countries. A contagion introduced to plant or animal food supply chains could be devastating to world economies and world food supplies. Examples: Air-born contagion, introduced to crops, spreads and cripples food production. E.g.: Wheat, corn, soy beans. Harmful virus introduced to livestock could cost US economy billions of dollars. E.g.: cattle, swine
Important Terms for Understanding Bioterrorism The use of biotechnology to disrupt a country’s food supply by contaminating plants and animals. Agroterrorism- a synonymous term. Agroterrorism Agent Diseased animals, an aerosol spray, or a powdered-bomb of contagions dropped in a field or range. The most effective way to spread the contagions is through the air. /s400/tumblr_ks552gE8HR1qzgwyxo1_400.jpg abcdefgs-for-healthy-calves/img/calf.jpg
Potential Positive Outcomes Advanced planning means: Fast and knowledgeable response from USDA and other agencies The Regional Emergency Animal Disease Eradication Organization (created specifically to deal with these issues) Plant biologists, Vets, HAZMATs and other professionals are aware of the risks Telephone.png
Potential Negative Outcomes Disruption to food supply causing devastation to economy and long-term health implications. An attack on the US causing a domino effect to a multitude of producers and businesses along the supply and distribution chain. Food shortages world wide box/&h=1450&w=1035&sz=563&tbnid=MZ3IhkHhf37GhM:&tbnh=85&tbnw=61&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dwheaties%2Bimage%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=wheaties+image&usg=__CSOoYLw5Ci- jGbbnahLzmMu9W9Q=&docid=86fquomOS2Xa9M&hl=en&sa=X&ei=1clIUdfRMqLC2gXUgIHgCg&ved=0CHoQ9QEwGA&dur=1889
Discussion Questions: Why would a successful agroterrorist attack have such a big impact on the United States and the world? Why is it important for the US government to be thinking now about the possibility of an agroterrorist attack?